The Iron Lady 2011 Full Movie HD Online Stream

The Iron Lady 2011 Full Movie HD Online Stream

Stream The Iron Lady 2011 Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: The Iron Lady
  • Year: 2011
  • Duration: 1h 45m
  • Rating: 6.4
  • Genres: Drama, Biography
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Summary The Iron Lady 2011

An elderly Margaret Thatcher talks to the imagined presence of her recently deceased husband as she struggles to come to terms with his death while scenes from her past life, from girlhood to British prime minister, intervene.

Elderly and a virtual prisoner in her own home due to her concerned staff and daughter Carol, Margaret Thatcher, Britain's first woman prime minister, looks back on her life as she clears out her late husband Denis's clothes for the Oxfam shop. Denis is seen as being her rock as she first enters parliament and then runs for the leadership of the Conservative Party, culminating in her eventual premiership. Now his ghost joins her to comment on her successes and failures, sometimes to her annoyance, generally to her comfort until ultimately, as the clothes are sent to the charity shop, Denis departs from Margaret's life forever.

Biopic of Margaret Thatcher, the United Kingdom's first female Prime Minister. Now elderly and senile, Thatcher spends much of her time in conversation with her husband Denis, who is dead. Interspersed with her everyday life are snippets of her life and political career. The middle class daughter of a grocer, she obtained a good degree and developed an interest in politics. She was first elected in 1959 and quickly developed a reputation for dealing with difficult issues and showing herself more than capable of taking on her male counterparts in the House of Commons. As Prime Minister, she takes on the very powerful unions seeing her popularity plummet until her patriotic response to Argentina's invasion of the Falkland islands leads to her re-election. In the longer term, her rigid approach with her colleagues leads to her downfall and the Conservative party ousts her from the leadership.

In her twilight years, former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher reflects on her life and career as she finally prepares to dispose of the belongings of her late husband, Denis. Daughter of a Grantham grocer, she successfully broke through a double-paned glass ceiling of gender and class. Thatcher became the first female prime minister of the United Kingdom and remained as such for 11 consecutive years, until declining popularity forced her to resign.

Following the works and days of Margaret Thatcher--from her humble beginnings as a Grantham grocer's daughter to the lowest steps of the Conservative Party, and eventually, to the Prime Minister's seat of the United Kingdom--an elderly and senile Margaret converses with the ghost of her dead husband, Denis Thatcher. Through a flurry of flashbacks and vivid memories, the ex-Prime Minister recounts the era of her bold eleven-year premiership, depicting major political and historical events, and revisiting key chapters in her life that polarised people during her authority. To some, she was a ruthless figure who ruled the land with an iron hand, while to others, she was a true heroine. Either way, Margaret Thatcher was Britain's first female prime minister, and a political phenomenon who was often entangled in controversy.

Synopsis The Iron Lady 2011

A frail and elderly Margaret Thatcher is at breakfast with her husband Denis. The small change of married life comprises their sporadic conversation. We glimpse the house staff and perhaps assume Thatcher is still at the height of her powers if no longer actually in office but their attitude doesn't seem to correspond; they are not disrespectful, but neither are they deferential and we seem to be in some kind of superior retirement home. Thatcher peeps through the door but cannot make sense of what is happening outside and nor can we. From the window we see with her the comings and goings of security staff, presumably Thatcher's personal protection team. It is only in a reverse shot when a woman finally comes to the Thatchers' door and inquires if everything is alright that we see no-one is at the table where Denis was sitting only a split-second earlier.

Thatcher shops for milk at a convenience store. She seems bewildered by the price, talking about it to no-one in particular, and neither staff nor fellow customers seem to recognise her; to them she seems to be just another irritating old woman. One is impatient to the point of rudeness at being held up by her fumbling for the change to pay for the pint that is her only purchase. The scene has an air of unreality as if a dream sequence.

Back at the house, overheard snatches of conversation make it clear that the staff are dismayed that Thatcher had escaped their oversight to make this impromptu excursion into the real world outside unescorted and thereby confirm that it wasn't a flight of fancy on her part. Still a symbolic if clearly diminished figure, looking after her seems to be no more than a necessary nuisance to those around her.

Thatcher as a girl in Grantham experiences a second world war air-raid. She takes a not-inconsiderable risk as exploding bombs shake the house to leave the relative safety of the cupboard under the stairs but only to prevent some produce from spoilage by putting it away rather than to protect it from the raid as such. Later we see her as the focus of unkind remarks by her classmates from their point of view on the other side of the road. She seems isolated from them socially.

In a large hall, now a young woman Thatcher is flirted with by Denis as a young man. They discuss marriage and his support for her apparent political ambition is made clear by him. He soon proposes. We later see them at the theatre together, talking and joking. At a meeting, she is patronised and condescended to by the local Tory party grandees who clearly don't take her application to be the candidate for parliament very seriously but she is unabashed. As a grocer's daughter, she points out, she knows the cost of living and how to budget and will thus appeal to the housewives in the electorate. Compared unfavourably with another, military gentleman candidate she avers that she also faced danger during the war.

In parliament as a young Tory minister she rounds on the opposition politicians who have failed to offer her the respect she feels she deserves by lecturing them on their failure to attend to the content of her words rather than the manner in which they were delivered but her raised voice is gratingly strident and high-pitched.

We witness a cabinet meeting with prime minister Edward Heath. Thatcher is quietly competent in her contributions but clearly a junior member of the government, seated as she is at the very far end of the cabinet table and having to lean forward to be seen by Heath who seems at first hardly to recall who she is.

In a private meeting, two unnamed advisers counsel Thatcher to consider standing for the leadership of the Tory party; she is incredulous. She is next seen in a voice-coaching session. Advised to deepen her delivery and inject authority, she calls 'Denis!' loudly, in a notably lower timbre, and he visibly jumps in his chair although on the far side of the large room. The advisers smile in satisfaction.

It is winter 1979. We see news headlines and archive footage about strike action. Leicester Square in central London is piled high with rubbish bags and Thatcher witnesses people stopping in cars to throw theirs on the pile on the pavement in front of her as she walks by while those around express concern at the smell.

Her daughter Carol visits the elderly Thatcher and they discuss starting to sort through Denis's clothes and shoes so they can be sent to a charity shop. The task seems overwhelming to Thatcher both physically in terms of volume of material but also emotionally. She tries to speak to son Mark but cannot reach him by telephone.

Thatcher speaks with one of the advisors in the Palace of Westminster underground car park as he is already in his car leaving. He drives away towards the exit ramp and Thatcher turns to walk to her own car but almost immediately there is an explosion and we cut to the car in flames outside; newspaper headlines tell us it was Airey Neave, victim of a car bomb.

Pinafored and standing at the kitchen stove Thatcher yet incongruously speaks of state matters and the need to attend to them. Denis complains of her absences from family life and testily shouting that she shouldn't worry about them (her family) storms off.

After much industrial unrest the miners are now on strike. A beleaguered Thatcher is driven away in her limousine through protesters holding placards bearing anti-Tory slogans as some hammer on the car's roof and windows, shouting angrily at her, faces contorted with rage and hatred.

The elderly Thatcher watches a DVD of Carol and son Mark as children playing on the beach.

After Argentina invades the Falkland Isles Thatcher has summoned the military top brass, determined to find whether it is possible to recover the islands. The consensus being that it is, if only barely, but is perhaps also inadvisable, Thatcher makes it clear that it must be done. Political speeches to parliament and scenes of preparation and the sailing of the task force follow. In a council of war she is given news of the Argentine ship the General Belgrano manoeuvring in the vicinity of the Task Force. Advised that it is a threat, she gives the order to sink it.

The elderly Thatcher speaks to a doctor. She comments acidly on his modern phraseology, comparing it unfavourably with the plainer and more meaningful language of her prime. He asks her about symptoms of dementia, including hallucination. Having by now witnessed numerous scenes where she has plainly imagined the dead Denis, we note her vague discomfiture as she says no, but her mental faculties seem acute enough; Thatcher is apparently now aware that she is imagining him. We begin to doubt that she has either Alzheimer's or any other form of dementia.

Cabinet members openly worry about their political careers because the government is so unpopular. Thatcher upbraids them for their lack of principle. Apparently on her way to a public appearance, Thatcher requires the aid of a seamstress to mend her clothing. She thanks Crawfie by name. We see her moments later as part of a cabinet group portrait, the cabinet members now smiling around her.

The elderly Thatcher is hosting a dinner that includes former political colleagues. At the head of the table, she seems prime ministerial and asked to comment on Islamic extremism is forthright in her advocacy of resistance to it but seems for a moment to forget she is no longer premier as she speaks of what we must now do. There is a slightly embarrassed silence. Carol tells her plainly that she is no longer prime minister.

We are at the Tory party conference in Brighton. It is very late, the early hours of the morning, and Thatcher continues to work in her hotel suite on important papers as Denis retires next door to bed. There is a sudden explosion apparently centred on the bedroom and the rooms of the suite disintegrate. Thatcher is distraught with concern, shouting for Denis who it seems must have died but he soon re-appears, unhurt and spirit unshaken, ruined shoes in hand (he had apparently been putting them outside the door to be cleaned and thus avoided the blast).

The elderly Thatcher now always talks to Denis in the full knowledge that she is imagining him and he answers in kind, challenging her to make him disappear. She switches on all manner of domestic appliances, radio, television and hi fi to drown him out. When we return to where he was sat he has gone.

Stalking the corridors of power Thatcher now seems isolated, glanced at menacingly by former trusted political friends and murmuring darkly about plots against her. The end of her political reign seems at hand.

Suffering insomnia, Thatcher begins the herculean task of sorting through Denis's belongings. By morning it is done, to Carol's amazement when she arrives later.

In the final scene of the film, Denis pads down the hallway barefoot, the last pair of shoes now in his hand, stopping at the far end to put them on and although Thatcher now begs him to stay, walks away telling her she will be all right.
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 Our Idiot Brother 2011 Full Movie Bluray Stream

Our Idiot Brother 2011 Full Movie Bluray Stream

Streaming Our Idiot Brother 2011 Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: Our Idiot Brother
  • Year: 2011
  • Duration: 1h 30m
  • Rating: 6.4
  • Genres: Drama, Comedy
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Summary Our Idiot Brother 2011

A comedy centered on an idealist who barges into the lives of his three sisters.

Ned lived a happy life growing organic vegetables on a farm with his hippie girlfriend and his dog named Willie Nelson, but an unadvised incident with marijuana at a farmer's market lands him in jail. When he gets out of jail, he is off to live with his sisters. While Ned is still happy, his sisters are much less so after his honest, but unworldly manner contributes to revelations which manage to expose infidelity in one marriage, potentially illegal actions in one job opportunity, dishonesty in one budding relationship and morally unpleasant behaviour in one domestic partnership. He sees those problems as breakdowns in communication, but his sisters see him as an idiot. The truth the audience witness is that ultimately, Ned is a catalyst for good around him without consciously setting out to do so. The denouement of the film sees balance restored with a positive outcome for all in the family.

Ned Rochlin, an organic farming hippie, loves unconditionally. His overly trusting nature often makes him come across to the world as an idiot. It is one of those trusting but idiotic acts which lands Ned in jail. After he is released on parole, Ned loses everything: his organic farming girlfriend Janet, a place to live as Janet claims the farm as her own, and perhaps most importantly his dog Willie Nelson as Janet also claims him as hers despite she only doing so to spite Ned. Not wanting to burden his oft neglected mother Ilene, Ned becomes the responsibility of his three sisters, Liz, Miranda, and Natalie. A family pact prevents them from doing the easiest thing, which is to give Ned money to live where he wants. Instead, Ned is shuttled between the sisters, whose own lives are affected by Ned's overly trusting acts. Liz and her documentary filmmaker husband Dylan Anderson's politically correct parenting of their adolescent son River is stifling his happiness. In addition, Liz is unaware that more than Dylan's eyes are wandering. Miranda, a writer for Vanity Fair, has the biggest assignment of her career and will do whatever needed to get the story she wants. In that singular focus, she and her neighbor Jeremy don't have the clarity to tell each other that they truly do like each other. Bisexual Nat, in a long term relationship with a lawyer named Cindy, lives in a communal situation in an effort not to make that final commitment to Cindy, who literally and figuratively wears the pants in their relationship. In Ned's acts, he may expose the issues that each of the sisters faces and that they were unwilling to address on their own.

Synopsis Our Idiot Brother 2011

Ned (Paul Rudd) is a hippie selling produce at a local farmer's market. The daughter of one of his customers is eating a strawberry that she did not purchase, and her father chastises her for it. Ned calls out to her after her father leaves and gives her a pint of strawberries for free. Ned is then approached by a uniformed police officer, who asks him where he can buy some weed. Ned says he obviously wouldn't tell him even if he knew where to procure such an item. The cop then says he's just had a really bad week, and Ned takes pity on him, slipping him a small bag of marijuana with a stalk of rhubarb free of charge. The officer insists on paying, and Ned agrees to accept 20 dollars for it. After Ned takes the money, the officer says he is under arrest. Ned thinks he is kidding, but soon finds out that the officer is quite serious. Ned realizes (too late) how much of an idiot he is to have fallen for this police sting.

Next we go to brief scenes of three different women; Miranda (Elizabeth Banks) comes back from a boring date and calls her neighbor (Adam Scott) to ask for help with her pilot light. Even though her neighbor is starting to have sex with another girl, he runs up to help her.

Natalie (Zooey Deschanel) is telling sex-heavy jokes on stage at a small and nearly deserted comedy club, populated mainly by her lawyer butch lesbian girlfriend Cindy (Rashida Jones) and Cindy's law firm co-workers.

Liz (Emily Mortimer) shyly tries to wow her husband Dylan (Steve Coogan) by flashing him her new Brazilian wax, but he seems rather disinterested.

After eight months in prison, Ned is released on good behavior. He returns to his farm to find out that his girlfriend, Janet, is now dating a new guy named Billy. Ned wants to remain working on the farm, but Janet refuses. She also will not let him take his dog (named Willie Nelson) with him. Billy drives Ned into town and after a sad farewell with Willie Nelson, Billy is moved and tells Ned that he'll convince Janet to rent out the goat barn to him for $500 a month if he can provide her with two months' rent.

Instead Ned moves in with his overbearing, neurotic mother Ilene (Shirley Knight), who hosts a family dinner every week, where we discover that the three women shown earlier are Ned's sisters. Ilene is clearly uncomfortable with the scene around her which involves Dylan and Liz bickering with each other; Natalie and Cindy frequently showing their loving affection with hand-holding and lip-smooching (apparently Ilene never recovered from her personal shock after Natalie came out-of-the-closet about her true sexual orientation years earlier); and with Miranda being single and always talking about business. The sisters are not interested in sticking around after dinner, but as Liz leaves, she mentions to Ned that her door is always open for him if he needs a place to stay.

The next day, Ned meets his parole officer. He believes that their relationship is like a free therapy session from the state of New York, though his parole officer does not offer much in the way of therapy. Ned struggles to come up with answers to how he will avoid staying out of trouble, other than no longer working on the farm. The parole officer says he will record that as "avoiding former criminal associates". Ned says he will think of more answers before their next session.

Tired of staying with their mother, Ned shows up at Liz's apartment in downtown New York City where he is put up in a bunk bed shared with Liz's 10-year-old son, River. Ned will be paid $250 a week to look after River, as well as babysit their youngest daughter, only a few months old, and help Liz's husband, Dylan, with his documentary film. Ned takes River to dance class, but River is clearly more interested in the karate class next door. At home, Ned shows him 'The Pink Panther' (the original version). He is shocked that River has never seen it, but River replies that his parents will not let him watch violent movies. Ned says that it is not violent, and then proceeds to horse around with him using karate moves. Dylan comes into the room upset that his son is up after 10 p.m. and that Ned is using the laptop for something other than typing a resume.

Ned goes to work with Dylan the next day. He is getting permission from the ballerinas to appear in Dylan's documentary about the Belarussian ballerina Tatiana. Dylan is annoyed when the absent-minded Ned walks in front of the camera, goofs off with Tatiana, and tells her that Dylan is married.

Later, Miranda and her neighbor are nervously awaiting Ned's arrival to drive her around New York City for her interview with Lady Arabella for Vanity Fair. She wants Ned to not talk to her interviewee, but Arabella instantly takes an interest in Ned and his farming. Miranda is not allowed to ask about Arabella's infamous relationship with her ex, though her task is to somehow pry the information out of her. Instead, the interview revolves around Arabella's charity work.

Meanwhile, Natalie has been doing some nude modeling for an artist named Christian (Hugh Dancy) with whom there is an obvious mutual attraction (Ned also does a bit of modeling for Christian to earn some extra money). Christian insists that the two of them come to a self-help group meeting with him. After listening to some testimonials, the group moves to a sweat tent known as the "win room". Participants are given water after sharing a personal story. Natalie is given water, and Ned is desperate to get some water as well but cannot tell a story. After being refused, he ends up passing out and being taken away in an ambulance. Natalie and Christian head home in a taxi and end up having sex in Christian's apartment. The next morning, Natalie feels guilty about her cheating on Cindy. At their loft in Brooklyn, which they share with four or five other people, Natalie tells Cindy that she loves her. Caught off-guard by Natalie's unusual affections, Cindy tells Natalie that she loves her too and leaves for work at her lawyer's office.

A few days later, Ned helps Dylan unload some camera gear but is told to stay in the vehicle while Dylan conducts a very private interview with Tatiana. Ned reads a book as day turns to night, and is frightened when a police car comes up behind him. He immediately declares that he is on parole. The officer says that he is parked in a 24-hour tow zone. Realizing that he doesn't have the car keys, and that Dylan has been gone for over six hours, Ned runs upstairs, where discovers Dylan and Tatiana naked in the studio. Ned freaks out as he suspects that Dylan is cheating on Liz with Tatiana, but Dylan says that he was only naked so that Tatiana would be more comfortable when she reveals deeply personal secrets. Ned seems to accept this.

Another few days later, Ned and Miranda attend Arabella's charity event, at which Miranda had hoped to get more information out of Arabella as her boss has threatened to kill her boring piece on Arabella's charity, but Arabella quickly passes by Miranda and heads over to talk to Ned. Ned and Arabella end up alone, and Arabella opens up about her relationship. Ned asks her out, but she politely declines.

When Ned and River act out a Cato and Clouseau attack scene a la The Pink Panther, Ned ends up accidentally breaking one of River's fingers. At River's private school interview, he does not wish to talk about the unique instrument he has learned and dance classes, but rather about his enthusiasm for a type of martial arts that his recently released uncle found on YouTube. When asked about why the uncle was in jail, Dylan quickly interjects that Ned was protesting whale slaughter in Japan. River says he thought Ned was in jail for selling drugs to a cop. Liz and Dylan clearly blame Ned for River's interview performance, and kick Ned out of the house. Ned defends his behavior, but Liz will not listen. She does give him a bit of money before sending him away in a taxi.

Ned ends up at Miranda's house, who prefers giving him the rest of the money for rent at the goat barn to having him stay with her. Ned casually mentions Dylan's naked interview with Tatiana, and Miranda immediately reaches the obvious conclusion that Dylan is having an affair. Miranda immediately calls Natalie to tell her this news. The neighbor shows up and he and Ned bond. While Miranda is on the phone, Ned mentions a detail of Arabella's relationship that was not public, upon which Miranda hangs up and demands more information, which Ned reluctantly provides. Ned heads out to the farm but finds that Billy has not asked Janet about his staying in the barn, and Janet will neither let him stay nor let him take Willie Nelson, whereupon Ned returns to New York and to Miranda's couch.

Ned attends a party at Natalie's apartment. Ned meets with Cindy where they talk and she suggests a plot to abduct Willie Nelson while Janet is at a Dixie Chicks concert. Ned hears a Willie Nelson remix playing outside, takes it as a sign, and starts to dance. A woman (one of Natalie and Cindy's roommates) approaches to dance with him, and another man comes up and dances behind him. They say that they want to have sex with him. He starts out with the woman, but gets freaked out when the guy starts to kiss him.

At lunch the next day, Ned explains his situation to Miranda's neighbor, Jeremy, who says they must find him a girl, and they start to look around the restaurant. One patron reminds Jeremy of Miranda, and Ned opines that Jeremy is clearly in love with Miranda. Jeremy says he is not interested in her, and gives several reasons why. Ned later questions Miranda about Jeremy, and she also gives reasons why she is not interested. Miranda gets upset when Ned tells her why Jeremy is not interested in her, and confronts Jeremy about his comments. Jeremy and Miranda then turn on Ned, who continues to slightly misstate their previous words. Before storming out, Jeremy throws Miranda's article on Arabella at Ned, saying he should read it.

Meanwhile, Natalie discovers that she is pregnant after her one-night stand with Christian. As she performs at her comedy club that evening to an audience including Cindy and Ned, Christian walks in and she runs off stage to throw up in the toilet. When Ned checks on her, she tells him about her dilemma. He says that it is best to inform Cindy and that if they are truly in love they will weather the storm. Natalie tells Ned that she will tell Cindy at a time of her own choosing.

The family is gathered together with Ned, Cindy, and River on the trampoline outside and the sisters in the kitchen. Liz talks about her marriage, and Miranda brings up what Ned told her about Dylan and Tatiana having an affair. Liz is in denial and blames Ned, but her sisters ask her why she no longer dresses attractively. Liz says that Natalie is the promiscuous one, which causes Natalie to storm out. In tears, Liz goes outside and takes River, meanwhile chastising Ned for his immature behavior. Liz confronts Dylan and asks him if she has been cheating on her with Tatiana. But rather than admitting the affair, Dylan turns it back on her, attacking her mousy, passive-aggressive tactics. Dylan says he would rather leave her than have their children overhear him be compelled to fight with her.

The next day, Miranda takes Ned into the Vanity Fair office to sign off on the validity of Arabella's story, but Ned is upset that his sister is using the information he gave her. Miranda says he never told Arabella they were on the record, but he counters that he is not a reporter and she made it clear to Arabella they were not a team. He refuses to corroborate her story even though it is of great professional cost to his sister.

Ned is now staying with Natalie and her roommates at her Brooklyn loft. When he asks her how it went with Cindy, she implies that she has told her the truth without really confirming it. While it seems clear that Natalie did not tell Cindy about being pregnant, Ned accepts her statement at face value.

The following night, Cindy and Ned drive to the farm to abduct Willie Nelson. They see that Janet and Billy are still home, but after the couple goes outside they continue with their mission. As they sneak into the house, Ned mentions how glad he is that Cindy and his sister stayed together. Cindy thinks he is talking about something else until Ned mentions infidelity, and then brings up the baby. Cindy calls Natalie, and when Janet hears the noise she returns to the house. Cindy walks out, still screaming on the phone, and speeds off in the car, leaving Ned behind.

Ned is now back living with his mother, and goes to check in with his parole officer. Ned thanks him for his hard work, but goes on to say that all of the stress caused him to break down and smoke a joint with a neighbor. The parole office has no choice but to report him.

The sisters and River come over for another family night, and the girls are obviously displeased with Ned, preoccupied, and disinterested in the family game of Charades. Ned finally has an outburst, screaming and cursing at his sisters for being so self-centered, self-absorbed, and negative. The family is shocked that the always laid-back slacker Ned has exploded in anger. The doorbell rings and Ned answers to find his parole office and a police office there to arrest him. Miranda posts bail, but Ned decides to stay in jail. River says he knows how to get Ned to agree to sign the release form, and they make a U-turn and head out to get Willie Nelson back from Janet at her farm. Janet still refuses, saying she loves the dog. Miranda says nobody could possibly love anything as unconditionally as Ned does and that the dog truly belongs with him. While Janet remains unmoved, Billy and Ned's mother come out of the house with the dog and put it into the car. Willie Nelson runs down the hallway of the jail to Ned's cell, where Ned is overjoyed to be reunited with his dog. Miranda finally realizes that she belongs with Jeremy, and runs down to him in her sweats. River is seen wearing a karate outfit, with Liz encouraging him.

In the final scene, Ned is eating lunch with all three sisters. Miranda and Jeremy seem to be doing well as a couple, and Liz has started to date again. Natalie gets a call from Cindy, who wants to go to the OB/GYN with her. Ned decides that the city is not a fit for him and Willie, and says it is time for him to go. Ned and Billy open up a handmade candle shop and say they should thank Janet for getting them together. Ned then wonders where Willie Nelson is, and he finally finds him with another dog in a park. The other dog's owner rounds the corner, and it is clear that the two humans have something in common. She says that her dog is named Dolly Parton. He responds that his is Willie Nelson, and they smile.

During the closing credits, there are film outtakes and bloopers from throughout the movie.
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Watch  The Client List  Full Movie Online Uk Streaming

Watch The Client List Full Movie Online Uk Streaming

Stream The Client List Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: The Client List
  • Year:
  • Duration: unknown
  • Rating: 6.6
  • Genres: Drama, Crime
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Summary The Client List

Riley is a single mother living in a small Texas town and leading a shocking double life.

Riley is a single mother living in a small Texas town and leading a shocking double life. Her secret would send shockwaves through the community and possibly land her in jail if it was ever exposed. Riley's taken a job at a seemingly traditional day spa, but soon realizes that the parlor offers a little more than just massage therapy. It's not the happy ending she was expecting but it does open her eyes to a world she's never seen before.

Synopsis The Client List

Based on the Lifetime made-for-television moview set in suburban Texas, the Client List answers the question of how far a wife would go to save her family from foreclosure. The Texas starlet, (Jennifer Love Hewitt reprising her role in the original movie.), reprises her role as Samantha Horton the beleaguered housewife of an injured football star with three kids, a mortgage, and an eidetic memory. The former beauty queen now finds herself flat broke until she reads an advertisement for a massage salon and applies for the position only to find out that it is a front for a high end prostitution service. Initially repulsed, her dire circumstances lead her to accept. With her new position comes money, guilt and addiction. Her home life suffers as a result of her husband's lost pride and the long hours. Eventually the police step in to close the ring. Ostracized from her family and community, Samantha has one more card to play. Using her perfect memory against her former clients, she compiles a list of influential men in positions of power to help a local mayor win her campaign & her own freedom.
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Terra Nova Full Movie Free Stream

Stream Terra Nova Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: Terra Nova
  • Year:
  • Duration: unknown
  • Rating: 6.8
  • Genres: Adventure, Drama, Mystery
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Summary Terra Nova

Centers on the Shannons, an ordinary family from 2149 when the planet is dying, who are transported back 85 million years to prehistoric Earth where they join Terra Nova, a colony of humans with a second chance to build a civilization.

In 2149, earth is nearly wrecked by pollution. Police detective Jim Shannon is jailed for illegally raising an extra child, Zoe. He's sprung from jail just in time to join his family on the latest 'pilgrimage', through a unique time-space-continuum rip, to Terra Nova, a colony run with modern technology in a dino age forest. Colony commander Nathaniel Taylor soon recruits as security professional Jim, who gradually finds out about some threats, notably from Saurian monsters, the 'sixers' and his own, bitterly estranged son Lucas. Meanwhile Jim's son Josh keeps getting into trouble, mainly due to his girlfriend Skye. His smart sister Maddy is in love with gentleman soldier Mark Reynolds.

In the 22nd century, earth is in flames for environmental reasons. A new project called "Terra Nova" was created to try and re-establish colonization in prehistoric times, and a family that broke the law for having three children escape to the Terra Nova to restart their lives. Yet there's one problem... Hungry dinosaurs that wanna eat you!

From executive producers Steven Spielberg Peter Chernin, René Echevarria and Brannon Braga comes an epic family adventure 85 million years in the making. Terra Nova follows an ordinary family on an incredible journey back in time to prehistoric Earth as a small part of a daring experiment to save the human race. In the year 2149, the world is dying. The planet is overdeveloped and overcrowded, with the majority of plant and animal life extinct. The future of mankind is in jeopardy, and its only hope for survival is in the distant past. When scientists at the FERMI Particle Accelerator unexpectedly discovered a fracture in time that made it possible to construct a portal into primeval history, the bold notion was born to resettle humanity in the past - a second chance to rebuild civilization and get it right this time.

Synopsis Terra Nova

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 Take Shelter 2011 Full Movie Bluray Stream

Take Shelter 2011 Full Movie Bluray Stream

Streaming Take Shelter 2011 Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: Take Shelter
  • Year: 2011
  • Duration: unknown
  • Rating: 7.4
  • Genres: Drama, Thriller, Horror
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Summary Take Shelter 2011

Plagued by a series of apocalyptic visions, a young husband and father questions whether to shelter his family from a coming storm, or from himself.

Curtis, a father and husband, is starting to experience bad dreams and hallucinations. Assuming mental illness, he seeks medical help and counseling. However, fearing the worst, he starts building an elaborate and expensive storm shelter in their backyard. This storm shelter threatens to tear apart his family, threatens his sanity and his standing in the community, but he builds it to save his family's life.

Young loving husband and father starts having dreams that display horrible life threatening events and tries to save his family from the unforeseen. But friends and his own family questions his mental Health from crazy hallucination that might break his family apart

Curtis and Samantha LaForche live in rural northern Ohio with their young adolescent, deaf daughter Hannah LaForche. Theirs is a close-knit Christian community. Samantha, a stay-at-home wife and mother which allows her to prioritize her time on Hannah, earns extra income by doing sewing for their neighbors and selling things she makes at craft fairs, they relying on Curtis' job for a drilling company not only for its income but more importantly for its generous extended health benefits which in combination and still at great financial expense to them will allow them to get a cochlear implant for Hannah, the surgery scheduled for six weeks' time. One night, Curtis has a nightmare, it of a massive storm producing a golden oily rain followed by an act of violence as a response to the storm. Each successive night he has versions of this same nightmare, always with a massive storm and its golden oily rain followed by a resulting act or threat of violence. During this time, he also notices unusual natural occurrences during his waking hours which only he seems to be experiencing, he unable to distinguish between reality and the nightmares when they are happening, he waking up in a cold sweat from the nightmares and being able to feel the effects of those violent acts in the nightmares for the remainder of the day. He doesn't tell Samantha of anything through which he is going. He tries to remove the perpetrators of those violent acts from his life, they more often than not friends and/or loved ones. He begins to think that he is suffering from mental illness, specifically schizophrenia, he having a family history of it, his mother Sarah who was diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic twenty-five years ago and who still lives in assisted care. Regardless, he still can't help but believe that an apocalyptic storm of some sort will occur, his daytime visions and nightmares signs of it. As such, he begins to prepare for the storm, the largest and most expensive manifestation of his preparations being to shore up the existing storm cellar in their back yard. While Samantha had previously noticed Curtis' unusual behavior and actions - he who was able to slough that behavior off as the manifestation of a proverbial cold - that behavior and those actions begin not only to alienate her but also all his friends and colleagues. But what if what Curtis is experiencing is not mental illness but truly a prediction of the apocalypse to come?

Synopsis Take Shelter 2011

A working-class husband and father questions whether his terrifying dreams of an apocalyptic storm signal something real to come or the onset of an inherited mental illness he's feared his whole life.
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Watch Streaming  Zookeeper 2011 Full Movie Streaming Online Free

Watch Streaming Zookeeper 2011 Full Movie Streaming Online Free

Watch Zookeeper 2011 Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: Zookeeper
  • Year: 2011
  • Duration: 1h 42m
  • Rating: 5.2
  • Genres: Comedy, Fantasy, Family
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Summary Zookeeper 2011

A group of zoo animals decide to break their code of silence in order to help their lovable zookeeper find love, without opting to leave his current job for something more illustrious.

Synopsis Zookeeper 2011

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Watch  Fright Night 2011 Full Movie Online Uk Streaming

Watch Fright Night 2011 Full Movie Online Uk Streaming

Stream Fright Night 2011 Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: Fright Night
  • Year: 2011
  • Duration: 1h 46m
  • Rating: 6.3
  • Genres: Comedy, Horror
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Summary Fright Night 2011

When a nice new neighbor moves in next door, Charley discovers that he is an ancient vampire who preys on the community. Can he save his neighborhood from the creature with the help of the famous "vampire killer", Peter Vincent?

A remake of the 1985 original, teenager Charley Brewster (Yelchin) guesses that his new neighbor Jerry Dandrige (Farrell) is a vampire responsible for a string of recent deaths. When no one he knows believes him, he enlists Peter Vincent (Tennant), a self proclaimed vampire killer and Las Vegas magician, to help him take down Jerry.

This movie is the remake of the 1985 film and is about Charley Brewster who lives in the desert suburb on the outskirts of Las Vegas. His neighbor Jerry ('Colin Farrell') has his windows all blacked out which catches the attention of Charley friend and "geek" Ed who is sure that Jerry is a vampire. As time goes by some other friends and students of Charley's school start disappearing and Ed tells him that he is sure Jerry is behind it. Then when Ed doesn't turn up at school Charley checks it out for himself and breaks into Jerry's house, as a result he see's more than he bargains for and ends up with Jerry on his back. Charley ends up getting his family and friends involved in something they should have never been a part of. He has to get a self proclaimed vampire killer Peter Vincent ('David Tennant') to help him save him and his friends from an eternal damnation as vampires from being "turned" by Jerry.

At a peaceful Las Vegas suburb--just when the high-school senior and the school's outcast, Charley Brewster, thought he was ready to climb the social ladder and leave behind him his geeky past--his former best friend, Ed, starts spreading rumours of an invisible predator who weeds out their classmates. Indeed, even though Charley hates to admit it, more and more people go missing; a horrible discovery which coincides with the sudden advent of the cryptic but irresistibly charming new neighbour, Jerry Dandrige. Now, Ed is convinced that Jerry is the reason behind the inexplicable disappearances, going as far as to accuse Dandrige of being a centuries-old blood-thirsty creature of the night. Nevertheless, vampire or no vampire, there is more to Jerry than meets the eye. Could Ed be right? Is this going to be their last Fright Night?

Synopsis Fright Night 2011

In the opening shot during the credits, there is a shot of a sub-division suburb of Las Vegas. It's night, and all the houses look exactly the same, with desert and nothingness not far from this quaint little slice of suburbia.

Inside one of the homes, a small dog climbs through the pet door of the back door and walks past a big screen TV with the local news describing the latest in a bizarre string of attacks, where people say someone is trying to bite them in parking lots and other odd places. The television also plays an advertisement for Peter Vincent's "Fright Night", which is a Las Vegas vampire-themed illusion show at the Hard Rock Hotel that's a mix of David Copperfield, Chris Angel, and Vincent Price.

Inside the house, the dog senses something's wrong as the camera shows a boy being tossed out of a room like a rag doll... a woman inside the room clearly being eaten by something with nasty, grayish claws and very long nails. The boy regains enough of his senses to head upstairs, trying to hide from the creature. In a bedroom, the parents of the house are both dead, the mother on the bed exsanguinated and the father on the floor with his neck slashed open while he was trying to unlock and load up a rifle. The boy dives under the bed and tries fumbling with the gun himself, snagging the key to the lock from the dead man's pants. As he's fumbling, the creature comes into the room and starts to drag the man's body away. He hears the boy drop the bullets for the gun, lifts up the bed, and kills him.

The next day, we are introduced to Charley Brewster (Anton Yelchin), a classic, all-American teen, with a motor bike he's trying to fix up and an inexplicably hot girlfriend named Amy (Imogen Poots) who tools around in a lime green Volkswagon Beetle. Charley is a recovering dork, who until recently was more interested in making Power Rangers-style YouTube videos with his friends Ed and Adam than girls... but all that seems to have changed with Amy. Charley's now running in a faster social circle, and has coldly severed ties with his dorkier friends.

Charley's mother, Jane (Toni Collette), is a Nevada real estate agent, constantly filling up her car with For Sale signs (important later), since people in Las Vegas are transient by nature. No one is "from" Las Vegas, and few stay in Vegas for long, with many of them up and leaving very quickly without much notice or fanfare. Jane laments this to Charley, as beloved neighbors the Perrys moved away, leaving their home vacant for a long time... until a new neighbor, named Jerry, purchased it and started renovating it somehow. Jane's confused because she sees a lot of concrete being removed from the house, though she knows Jerry is not installing a pool. Charley tells her to stop spying on the neighbor and to stop obsessing over the construction dumpster in his yard, but Jane says she's only trying to keep up the look of the neighborhood, since she needs homes to sell so she can make money.

A neighbor from across the street, Doris, is a go-go dancer in one of the Vegas casinos, and walks around the neighborhood in skimpy little outfits. A lot of the people who live around there work night jobs on the Vegas strip, so it's not uncommon to see homes with the windows blackened or curtained shut, since there are many people in this town who sleep all day. Jane informs Charley that Jerry the neighbor works night construction downtown, and that's why they've never seen him. Charley's motorcycle isn't working again, so he accepts a ride to school from Amy and her friends.

When they get to school, Mark (Dave Franco) and Ben (Reid Ewing) hassle Charley over the mocha frappachino he's drinking, since he rode to school with all the girls. Charley is the new addition to the cool crowd, since he's dating Amy, and that means Mark and Ben have to be nice to him instead of picking on him like they did in the past. Charley wants to ask Amy to the prom, but Amy says she's too cool to go to a school dance, and Charley then backs off and realizes he has a lot to learn about being cool. This is clearly and obsession with him. In school, the teacher takes morning roll and several students are missing...including Adam, who used to be good friends with both Charley and "Evil Ed" Lee (Christopher Mintz-Plasse). Charley doesn't seem to care that Adam is missing, but Ed looks incredibly concerned.

After class, Ed pulls Charley away from Mark and Ben long enough to tell him that he's worried about Adam and the other kids who have gone missing lately. Charley doesn't want to talk to Ed, and so Ed has to threaten to release all the videos they made together dressed up as superheroes in tights if Charley won't meet him at Adam's house after school. Charley, obsessed with his new reputation as a cool kid, agrees to meet Ed.

After school, Charley blows Ed off and goes home instead, where he finds his mother talking to Jerry Dandridge (Colin Farrell), their new neighbor. It's already dusk/dark out, and Jerry's helping Jane with a sprinkler or something else that's broken on the property line. Jerry flirts heavily with Jane, who loves it, while Charley feels uncomfortable. Amy appears and joins the conversation. Charley then gets a text from Ed with a sample of the video he will release if Charley does not meet him at Adam's house in ten minutes (it's a video of Charley dressed as Squid Man, doing martial arts in the front yard with Adam and Ed). Charley then races off to meet Ed, leaving everyone abruptly.

At Adam's house, Ed explains that he believes Adam was killed by vampires, and that in fact Charley's new neighbor Jerry is a vampire. Charley thinks he's insane, but Ed convinces him to break into Adam's house with him. We see quickly that it's the house from the opening of the movie, because Ed uses the pet door to gain entry. He carries with him a satchel that has crosses, holy water, stakes, and other vampire-fighting gear in it. Ed slinks through the house looking for signs of Adam and his family, but finds nothing. He explains to Charley that he and Adam were doing surveillance and have deduced that all the disappearances of late are localized to Charley's neighborhood, and that on a map these vanishings radiate from Charley's house... or, rather, from the house next door to Charley's. Ed says that he and Adam had been following Jerry for a while and that they just need to figure out how to defeat him. Ed wants to go to Peter Vincent (David Tennant), since he is billed as the world's foremost expert on vampires (in addition to being the star of a Las Vegas magic show with a vampire theme). Charley says he wishes he had never been friends with Ed and that his life finally got better when he stopped talking to Ed and Adam and grew up, instead of playing make-believe. Charley decides to go home and ignore Ed and his suspicions.

Ed leaves as well, and is accosted by Mark on the street while riding his skate board. While running away from bully Mark, Ed loses his satchel with all the vampire fighting gear in it, as he drops it while trying to hop a fence. Jumping from yard to yard in the Vegas neighborhood, Ed eventually lands in a yard where Jerry's waiting for him. Jerry confronts Ed and asks him why he's nosing around and spying on him, and Ed uses a paint can to smash through a window of the home... only to find it is vacant inside. Ed doesn't realize that the "vampires have to be invited in" rule only applies if the house is occupied... and so Jerry walks right into the abandoned place. Ed runs upstairs and tries to escape through a window, and then a jump down into the yard, but Jerry's already outside waiting for him. Ed falls into the pool, and Jerry walks in, towards him, while Ed brandishes a crucifix to try to stop him. Jerry just tells Ed to calm down, that what's going to happen is what's best for him, since Ed is a misfit and he'll never fit in with regular people anyway, so becoming a vampire won't be so bad. Jerry then takes ahold of Ed, bites him, and pulls him under the water to drink his blood.

The next day at school, Charley notices that Ed is missing when the class roll is taken, as well as a few other missing students. Charley asks Amy if she thinks that's weird, but Amy says it's senior year and kids are skipping school, like kids do. Charley is still walking that thin line between thinking it's ridiculous to believe in vampires and knowing that vampires are behind what's happening to all these missing people.

When he gets home from school that night, Charley is surprised by Jerry outside on his front lawn, who wants to borrow some beer because Jerry claims that he has a hot dating coming whom he wants to get drunk. Charley says he will loan Jerry a six pack and goes to get it. Jerry wants to come inside, but can't unless he's invited, and Charley tries to test Jerry by talking to him and seeing if he will come inside without an invite. Charley's nervous, so he drops one of the beers on the floor and cuts himself a little. Jerry gets excited from the sight of blood and presses for an invite so he can help Charley clean up the mess. But, Charley never invites him in and brings the beers over... which Jerry cannot touch until Charley hands them to him over the threshold. Then Jerry starts talking to Charley about sex, and specifically about how sexy Jane and Amy are, and what a responsibility it is for Charley to watch out for these two women who have such strong and obvious sexual needs. He leaves Charley to supposedly have drinks with his mystery date.

Charley goes up to his room to find Amy there waiting for him. Amy wants to have sex, and make that particular night the first time that she and Charley go all the way. Charley catches a glimpse of his neighbor Doris coming across the street to visit Jerry, and Charley realizes SHE is the woman that Jerry was having over. Jerry sees Charley watching and flashes a look of anger up at him. Amy gets mad that Charley is more interested in spying on Jerry than having sex with her, and so she storms away.

Charley keeps listening to what's going on at Jerry's and very quickly hears a scream. He calls the police, and a squad car comes to investigate, but when the two officers talked to Jerry, he charmes them and said, "Of course a woman was here and I made her scream... I gave her what she wanted". The men laugh, bonding over Jerry's sexcapades in a boys-will-be-boys way. Charley is disgusted the police were that stupid. As soon as the squad car leaves, Jerry also gets in his big black pickup truck and drives away. Charley decides to break into Jerry's house to investigate.

Going next door, Charley uses his iPhone to find a "How to Pick Locks" app. When that fails, he hunts around in Jerry's back yard for the hollow rock that hides the keys to many homes in suburbia. Once inside, Charley sees that Jerry's kitchen is totally empty, and the house is a giant mess except for a giant screen TV in the living room. Upstairs, Charley goes through Jerry's things and finds a closet full of different emergency responder and police uniforms, as well as a sort of altar with candles and an ancient tapestry with a medieval crest on it. Jerry returns from wherever he went and Charley hears him outside. He's now trapped in the house. The only place he can think to hide is the closet, but once he's inside he realizes there's a false wall that leads to a small hallway. Inside, there are small rooms like the dressing rooms in a department store. All the rooms are locked, with the keys missing from some of them. Charley looks through peep holes in the rooms and determines that Doris is being held prisoner in one of them. He tries to get Doris out, but Jerry returns before he can pick the lock and Charley had to hide in one of the other, empty rooms. Jerry walks right over to where Doris is kept and takes her out of the room to feed on her. Charley watches as Jerry drinks from Doris, with Doris motioning for Charley to stay quiet unless Jerry would find him too. When Jerry is done feeding, he locks Doris back up in the room and then leaves. Charley goes back to picking the lock to get Doris out of the house safely.

The two of them wait and start sneaking down the stairs into Jerry's living room. Doris is panting heavily and is having problems walking. Jerry's watching a TV show with big-breasted Jersey Shore-type babes, enjoying himself immensely. Charley and Doris play mouse and cat with Jerry for a while, with him near-missing them as they try to sneak around the stairwell and a living room wall, trying to get out. Finally, they make their dash to freedom and we see that Jerry knew they were there the whole time and was just playing games because the moment Doris walks out into the sun she bursts into flames. Charley is stunned and races back to his house while Jerry's inside, laughing

Charley knows he's dealing with a vampire now, and decides to fortify his house with garlic, crosses, and everything else he can find to ward off all the evil. His mother, of course, thinks he's going insane, but humors him as he tells her that all of this is just some sort of joke he's playing on Amy. Charley insists his mother not invite Jerry into the house or have anything to do with him, though Charley stops short of telling his mom that Jerry is a vampire.

He leaves for school, and on the way stops at Ed's house. Ed's parents haven't realized their son is missing, since he kept odd hours and did strange things. Ed's mother is inexplicably played by a woman who looks and sounds just like Lisa Loeb, and has one or two lines telling Charley how much he's sprouted and how happy they are to see him (since he and Ed haven't been friends in a while, he hasn't been around). Lisa Loeb tells Charley that Ed must have left early and Charley asks Ed's mom and dad if he can go up to Ed's room for a book they need for something. When he gets up to the room, we see it is covered in Magik the Gathering and World of Warcraft posters... and Ed's computer has tons of videos of Ed, Adam, and Charley playing "Squid Man versus the Knights" and other oddball things the three of them used to do together. Charley's sad about having ditched these two friends from his childhood, who are both dead now...and finally sees what ended up getting them killed. Charley finds all the videos that Ed and Adam took where they were spying on Jerry... with Jerry never appearing on the film because he is a vampire. (Since vampires in this reality cast no reflection, they also do not appear on film or video images). Ed narrates that Jerry is getting out of a car, but the car door opens and closes on its own. Ed and Adam never realized Jerry knew he was being spied on. As Charley is closing up Ed's computer, he sees that Ed had Peter Vincent's website up on the screen and Charley makes a note to go see Peter Vincent.

Charley decides to get serious about learning to fight vampires, like Ed had told him he wanted to do originally. Charley then heads to the Hard Rock Hotel and grabs a Las Vegas newspaper on his way in. He also steals the sport coat and event name badge of some conventioneer, and rips off the logo of the paper to slip inside the plastic badge, making him look like he has a press credential. He then bluffs his way into a rehearsal of Vincent's "Fright Night" show, under the ruse that he has an interview scheduled with him that night. We see a bit of what Vincent's show is all about...with female vampires writhing on a bed and flying around on wires, with another woman on the bed rising up into the air like Linda Blair in The Exorcist. That woman is supposed to burst into flames, but the effects don't work, and so Vincent yells CUT! and walks off the stage, demanding a break. Charley seizes the opportunity to run after him and get his interview. Vincent at first doesn't want to do it, but then agrees, and takes Charley upstairs to his penthouse home somewhere in the hotel tower. There, Charley sees the immense collection of occult objects that Vincent has collected --- some of which he says he bought on Ebay -- that are stored in row after row of ornate glass cases. There are axes, swords, guns with silver bullets, chalices of sacred holy water, and more stakes and sharp things than a Buffy the Vampire Slayer convention.

Vincent invites Charley into his living room/bar, where Vincent pours himself a Midori and Charley continues pretending he is from the newspaper, asking him how to kill vampires for real. Vincent says none of this stuff is real, and takes off his wig and goatee, to reveal a very nerdy kind of guy who is uncomfortable in the sort of hot leather he has to wear on the stage for his show. Charley keeps pushing Vincent, and even takes out pictures he that he snapped inside Jerry's house, in particular showing Vincent the ornate tapestry crest that clearly meant something special to Jerry. Vincent then kicks Charley out, demanding his girlfriend/assistant/stage actress Ginger throw Charley out.

Crestfallen, Charley heads home, where his mother Jane is disturbed by all the crosses and Charley's edginess all of a sudden.

Meanwhile, Jerry's out in the neighborhood and kills Mark and Ben as they were hanging out in their car, looking at Charley's house, wondering why he suddenly got all religious with crosses everywhere. Jerry takes the bodies into his house, off screen, just like he's been doing with all the bodies he's been collecting.

Amy comes over to Charley's house, and not long after that Jerry pops up by the door, trying to get invited in. Jane almost lets him in, but Charley begs her not to. Jerry tells Jane that Charley broke into his house and has been harassing him, and he says that either he comes in to talk about it or he calls the authorities. Jane tells him to just call the authorities then. Jerry storms away, back to his house, but the three of them can see him clearly through the window. He comes back to Jane's house with a shovel and a blow torch, and heads straight for the back yard.

There, Jerry starts digging into the ground with super human strength, taking up large hunks of dirt with each shovel full. After three big digs, he reaches the gas line for the house. Just as Charley was saying that Jerry can't get in unless he's invited, Jerry yanks the gas line loose from under ground, filling Charley's kitchen with gas. Then Jerry takes the blow torch and send some fire through the line and into the house.... which then EXPLODES. Jane, Charley, and Amy leap over the couch to avoid a blast of fire, and then escape into the garage as the house burns down around them. They get into Jane's SUV and flee the scene, as Jerry tries to leap onto Charley's motorcycle to catch them... but the bike is broken. As they are fleeing down the street, Jerry hurls the motorcycle (still running with vampire super-speed) after them, smashing through the back of the SUV and almost killing Amy. Charley orders his mother to speed away.

Since they are out in the desert, there is no cell service... and Jerry's following them in his truck. He catches up and tries to run them off the road, but Jane successfully maneuvers the car away from him. Finally, Jerry speeds up and decides to block the road so they can't pass... but Charley slams his foot on the accelerator and forces Jane to run Jerry over and keep driving. Jerry is hurt, but sticks to the SUV's undercarriage and starts trying to claw his way through the metal to get at Jane or Charley. "Do you see that freaky hand clawing up through the car? NOW do you believe me he's a vampire?" Charley demands of Jane and Amy. Jerry is able to reach up and slam his hand down on the brakes, which causes the car to make a sudden stop. Just as everyone is about to get their bearings, a car behind them slams into them and the three of them are smashed in the face by the air bags.

When the driver of the other car gets out, he is a middle-aged businessman-type called Jay Dee (played by Chris Sarandon in a suprise cameo who played the original Jerry Dandridge in the first "Fright Night" movie). Jay Dee tries to see what's going on... and is then promptly bitten and killed by Jerry. Jerry, having endured some roughing up under the car, has morphed into a monstrous vampire creature with dark gray skin, red eyes, giant predatory teeth and a weirdly shaped head... which then smoothes back into his human features after eating Jay Dee. Charley's now holding a wooden cross and is moving towards Jerry, who taunts him. Jerry just touches the cross and it catches fire and burns to cinders and explains that Charley needs faith for crosses to repel him. Since Charley doesn't really believe in religion, so the cross doesn't work as it would if a true believer held it. Jerry then has Charley backed up against the wrecked SUV, and is about to kill him, when Jane grabs one of the Century 21 signs from the back of her SUV and impales Jerry with it, getting him all the way through his body, though missing his heart. Jerry is in immense pain and desperately tries to get this sign out of his body, but the wooden post that runs through it is too long for him to get a handle on. Jane, Charley, and Amy pile into Jay Dee's car and drive away, smashing into Jerry and the SUV as they do so. They speed away, leaving the vampire behind where it is seen that Jerry's starting to heal and that the sign through his body did not kill him.

Jane needs to go to the hospital, so the three of them rush there. They only tell the doctors that Jane has been in a car accident, and leave out the part about vampires, since Charley says "the last time I called the cops on them they almost went to Chili's together". Charley hangs a bunch of crosses all over Jane's hospital room, telling the nurses she is very religious.

Meanwhile, Peter Vincent, drinking more Midori, sees the photo of the tapestry that Charley gave him earlier in the day and tells Charley to come meet him immediately. Amy and Charley then head to Vincent's penthouse.

When they get there, Vincent tells them the tapestry is the emblem of an ancient kind of vampire tribe from the Mediterranean from more then 400 years ago, and that this particular vampire nested and created a sort of tribe of vampires who were interested in creating more of their kind and taking over whole regions. He tells Amy and Charley they will need an army to stop these things. He starts to tell them what he knows about things that will kill vampires when the security guard downstairs rings him to let him know there is a package delivery. Vincent tells his girlfriend Ginger to go sign for it and has the guard send the delivery person upstairs. Vincent then says it must be more stuff he ordered from eBay, since he has a habit of getting drunk and then ordering things. Charley then asks if he ever gets deliveries from eBay this late at night, and Vincent says come to think of it, no, and they all realize too late that it's a trap.

Charley sees it's Ed, dressed as a delivery man, with a fake package for Peter Vincent. Ed didn't know Charley would be there, and was dispatched to kill Peter Vincent or turn him into a vampire too, since Vincent has knowledge of vampires and was a threat to the nest. Ed is relishing being Jerry's living minion, and calls Jerry on his cell phone to tell him that Charley and Amy are at Vincent's place. Jerry then starts to make his way there too. Vincent, spooked, makes a mad dash for his panic room. Ed tries to stop him, but the panic room door closes on Ed's arm, severing it. The arm keeps twitching inside the room, with Vincent locked in there watching the TV monitors.

Ed and Charley battle, with Charley knocking various things out of Vincent's display cases to use as weapons, including knives, battle axes, swords, etc. Ed's handicapped with just one arm, but slashes at Charley's chest with his giant claws, and almost gets the better of Charley a few times. He tells Charley that he wishes they could be experiencing evil together, like they used to do as friends, and that they would be having this rush together if only Charley hadn't met Amy and decided to be cool instead.

Meanwhile, Amy is running through the Penthouse trying to escape, while Jerry kills the security guard downstairs and heads up to join the fight against Vincent, Charley, and Amy. Jerry confronts Amy just as she finished loading up a gun to shoot him... she turns around, fires at Jerry, and gets a good four shots into him. Jerry, unfazed, just plucks the bullets out of his flesh. "Silver", he says. "For werewolves". Amy looks around and sees a chalice under glass with water in it. She breaks the glass and tosses the holy water at Jerry and says, "For vampires!" and Jerry's face starts to burn and melt. Amy then runs back towards Charley, getting to him just in time to smash Evil Ed with a medieval mace that was hanging on the wall. That gives Charley enough time to stake Evil Ed through the heart, making his former friend turn to flaming dust.

Charley and Amy run out of Vincent's penthouse and down an emergency flight of stairs that deposits them into the hotel's kitchen, from which they walk into the Hard Rock's nightclub (which is full of people, many of whom are drunk or on drugs, none of whom pay any attention to Charley and Amy). They see Jerry following them, but Amy thinks he can't do anything to them in a room full of people, but Charley says that no one would notice if he killed them right there. As they try to make their way out of the place through the crowd, they get separated by the thong of partiers. Jerry makes it to Amy and carries her into a VIP lounge, where he pricks his skin and smoothes blood all over her lips, intoxicating and hypnotizing her. Charley tries to get a security guard to help, but he says that the girl looks like she is having fun, and then he kicks Charley out of the club. He knows Amy is lost now, and sees Jerry bite her neck, right in the middle of a crowd of people, with no one paying attention.

Charley then heads back up to Peter Vincent's penthouse. Vincent is out of the panic room, drinking heavily. He thinks Charley has been turned, but Charley tells him to check his cameras and sure enough Charley appears on the screen, so he is alive and well. Charley tells him that he has to rescue Amy, because either Jerry has her alive as hostage or he has killed her or turned her, but either way Charley doesn't want him to keep her. Vincent says that he is too scared to follow him, but he will give him a special stake that was blessed by Saint Michael and has the power to not only destroy a vampire, but also to free everyone from vampirism who was turned by that vampire. Vincent also relates to Charley that years ago he had an encounter with vampires... and that is what made him start collecting all of this stuff, even if he eventually convinced himself that it was all in his imagination and none of it was real. It turns out that Vincent's parents were attacked by a vampire, and that Vincent only survived because he successfully hid from the creature. Charley says he doesn't want to live as a coward and that he isn't hiding from anyone, so Vincent can stay there if he wants but he is going to take down Jerry. Vincent offers one good piece of advice, and it's to somehow set Jerry on fire so that he is distracted, and being distracted Charley would then have a chance to get close enough to stake him. Charley doesn't know how he can set Jerry on fire AND be close enough to stake him, but thinks on it as he leaves Vincent's place.

He comes up with a solution at a sporting goods store where he buys all sorts of materials like a crossbow and fire retardant clothes, telling the store clerk he's hunting vampires, which the man behind the counter thinks is a joke.

Charley then heads to Jerry's house, passing his own burned-out, ruined house, smashing all of Jerry's windows to let sunlight in. He's startled by Vincent, who decided to man up and help take down Jerry. Vincent is outfitted with all the vampire-killing gear he had been buying through the years on eBay -- some of it very untested. The two of them search the house, coming to the secret hallway with all the little rooms Jerry carved out for his victims. Amy's in one of them, but before Charley could open the door, Amy slid down a trap door in the floor, which Vincent is familiar with since he used them in all his magic tricks. Charley and Vincent head down the shoot and end up in Jerry's basement, where a giant mound of dirt is on the floor. The walls of the basement have been chiseled away in places, making giants holes that have also been filled up with dirt. It looks like a catacombs cemetery, with various antechambers carved out into the desert earth, like little caverns under the house and street. This is clearly what Jerry has been doing down in his basement instead of digging a pool.

Jerry appears and separates Vincent and Charley, locking Charley into a cave room with Amy, who is now a vampire. Amy is meant to eat Charley, and really vamps it up in a white dress and tons of menace, (much like Amanda Bearse did as the original Amy in the first "Fright Night"). Vincent is left to fight Jerry, and starts taking aim at him, while Jerry just throws a small pebble at Vincent's face. It draws just a tiny drop of blood, which falls to the ground. Vincent laughs at Jerry at first, until he sees the blood has summoned vampires from the mounds of dirt all around the basement. Jerry has been turning all the people he drank from, making them vampires too, and the blood has called them all to life. Vince uses a stake-gun to shoot wooden stakes at the vamps, and manages to kill one of them, with the vamp turned to ash. Then the gun jams and Vincent exclaims "Stupid eBay!". He then resorts to using his shotgun to try to blow holes in the floor above, to let in light to keep the vamps at bay. Though 400 years old and very crafty, Jerry is very afraid of the light, and can't go near the spots where Vincent has exposed to daylight. The other vamps near Vincent maneuver around the light and start feeding on him.

Upstairs, Charley outsmarts Amy by staking her with the St. Michael stake just as she was about to bite him. It wounded her enough that he can get away, but does not kill her. She thinks Charley missed, but he didn't want to kill her... he wants to kill Jerry with the St. Michael special stake so that Amy can be brought back to life. Charley then heads to the main room of the basement to fight Jerry and rescue Vincent.

He discovers that Vincent is starting to smoke in sunlight, which means that he is turning into a vampire himself. Jerry gloats that all they have to do is wait until the sun goes down, and then Charley will be theirs, so there's no hope for Charley to escape. Charley then starts putting a hood, mask, and glasses on himself and tells Vincent that he's using his idea, though modified. He sets HIMSELF on fire and then runs towards Jerry, who is surprised by all this. Jerry starts burning when Charley jumps on top of him, and keeps trying to fight Charley off. Meanwhile, Vincent starts shooting more holes into the floor above so that the sun can come in. The other vamps all howl and Jerry is terrified because he realizes the end is near. The combination of the fire and the sun is too much for him, and he starts to melt away, just as Charley jabs the stake right through his exposed heart. Jerry turns to dust and drifts away... and out of all the other vamps, an evil black spirit appears leaving their bodies and flying away.

(The spirits look very much like the evil spirit used on the original poster for the first Fright Night, so it could be a little Easter egg/homage to the first film.)

When the evil is out of all the vamps, they turn back into people with absolutely no memory of how they got in the basement. Both Mark and Ben and several of people we never saw before are brought back to life. Presumably Adam and his family are down there too, though Charley and Amy don't point them out.

Some time later, Charley's house is rebuilt and his mother is back to doing real estate. Everything seems back to normal, and Charley and Amy seem to be good friends with Vincent, who lets them hang out in his penthouse at the hotel. Charley and Amy start having sex in Vincent's living room and he appears, before sneaking off again, telling them not to do anything he wouldn't do, before the two of them get back to making out.

The movie ends, and the credits start to roll as stills from the movie come up onto the screen showing all the various actors when their names are listed in the credits.

(original synopsis by Kevin D)
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