Watch  The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 2011 Full Movie Online Uk Streaming

Watch The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 2011 Full Movie Online Uk Streaming

Watch The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 2011 Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1
  • Year: 2011
  • Duration: 1h 57m
  • Rating: 4.9
  • Genres: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy
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Summary The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 2011

The Quileutes close in on expecting parents Edward and Bella, whose unborn child poses a threat to the Wolf Pack and the towns people of Forks.

Bella and Edward celebrate their wedding, but, after their honeymoon on Isle Esme, things take a turn for the worse when Bella realises she is pregnant. As the baby grows at an abnormally fast rate and causes many health problems to Bella, Edward and the wolf pack fear that she may give birth to an immortal child. But the Cullens will do everything they can to ensure that both Bella and the unborn child remain safe.

A joyous wedding falls upon both Bella and Edward as they bond before their friends and family. They take a beautiful honeymoon vacation to a private island and share their love for one another. Some time later, their happiness is cut short when Bella is suddenly pregnant. Growing at a fast pace, the unborn child seems to pose a dangerous threat to their friends and the townsfolk. The Quileutes begin to close in on the Cullens.

At last, after Bella's difficult decision in The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010), the ardent young lovers walk down the aisle, much to the disappointment of the broken-hearted best friend, Jacob. Now, eternity awaits the ecstatic newlyweds; however, as the unforeseen complications of teenage love and an impossible outcome threaten the very life of frail Bella, Edward is fearful for the health of his bride. Little by little, against the backdrop of an uneasy treaty between the sophisticated undead and the hot-headed wolves, grave danger encircles the Cullens, and above all, Bella and the all-consuming being inside her. Is infinity only the beginning?

Bella and Edward are to marry and Jacob becomes upset. When the wedding is over, Bella and Edward spend their honeymoon on the Cullen's idyllic private island. But, to their dismay, they discover that Bella is pregnant. The fetus is growing at an accelerated rate and everyone fears for Bella's safety. Will she go ahead with her pregnancy, whatever the cost? The Quileutes close in as the unborn child poses a threat to the Wolf Pack and the towns people of Forks.

Synopsis The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1 2011

Breaking Dawn Part 1 opens over the Black home on the Quileute reservation. Jacob (Taylor Lautner) storms out of the house, dropping a formal invitation to the ground. Jacob's father, Billy (Gil Birmingham) wheels out after him, but Jacob phases into wolf form and races out into the pouring rain and the woods. Billy picks up the invitation: it's to Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward's (Robert Pattinson) wedding. Both Bella's parents receive wedding invitations. It's clear that Charlie (Billy Burke) is not thrilled with the engagement and is probably still upset with Edward for breaking Bella's heart. Renee (Sarah Clarke), on the other hand, is excited and has obviously been expecting the engagement as she shares the invitation with her husband, Phil (Ty Olsson).

It's the day before the wedding and the Cullens are preparing their estate for the wedding, all under the direction of Alice (Ashley Greene), who has placed herself in charge, down to the last detail. She sends Bella home for 'lots of beauty sleep,' but Bella sleeps poorly; first, just before she goes to bed, Edward goes to see her and tell her of a time shortly after he was turned, when he struck out on his own to hunt humans for blood (even though his conscience ensured he only killed men who murdered and victimized other people), as a warning against Bella becoming a vampire; and then Bella has a nightmare where the Volturi-- Aro (Michael Sheen), Marcus (Christopher Heyerdahl) and Caius (Jamie Campbell Bower)-- are standing before them in place of the minister, and then suddenly both Edward's tuxedo and Bella's dress are covered in blood as they stand before a pile of bodies -- all of the wedding guests.

Bella must face Alice on the wedding day after not having slept, but Alice is pleased to see Rosalie (Nikki Reed) finally starting to warm to Bella as the finality of Bella's joining the Cullen family is finally upon them all. Bella's parents give her a sapphire-encrusted hair comb to wear in her hair, much to Alice's delight.

Bella starts to have anxiety as Charlie starts to walk her down the aisle, but seeing Edward at the altar chases them away. Wedding vows are spoken and the new Mr. and Mrs. Cullen share a passionate kiss as all of the guests applaud. Among the wedding guests are Billy, Sue Clearwater (Alex Rice), and her son Seth (BooBoo Stewart) from the Quileute tribe, and Bella's old schoolmate quartet of Mike (Michael Welch), Jessica (Anna Kendrick), Angela (Christian Serratos) and Eric (Justin Chon).

The reception is a little bumpier than Edward and Bella would have hoped-- while introducing Bella to the Denali clan, a small cousin-coven of 'vegetarian vampires' from Alaska, one of them, Irina (Maggie Grace) happens to see Seth and recognizes him as a wolf, and promptly becomes very upset-- Irina was in love with Laurent and is unwilling to believe that he tried to kill Bella, insisting that like all of them, he wanted to live in peace with humans, and with her. Jacob finally shows up much to Bella's delight, but when Jacob says he needed to see her one last time while she was still human, Bella carelessly mentions she will be staying human during her honeymoon. Knowing that Bella means she plans to consummate her marriage with Edward while still human, Jacob becomes furious, because he is sure Edward would kill Bella in the process. The rest of the Quileute pack must come out of the woods to pull Jacob away; Sam (Chaske Spencer) curtly telling Jacob that Bella is no longer their concern.

For the honeymoon, Edward takes Bella to a small, private island off the coast of Brazil that Carlisle bought for Esme. Two native Ticuna, Kaure (Carolina Virguez) and her husband Gustavo (Sebastião Lemos) are caretakers of the small villa house on the island.

Bella's pleasure and enjoyment from the honeymoon, including finally making love with Edward, are cut short when Edward fusses over how he inadvertently left a number of bruises about Bella's body. Frightened of touching her again, he spends most of their time playing chess with her. Bella dreams of finally winning a game against him and starting to kiss him. When she wakes she is in tears, and she begs Edward to try making love to her again.

At LaPush beach on the Quileute lands, Jacob is sarcastic in his thoughts on how Bella's death would be announced to the public. Jacob tries to take some comfort in getting to kill Edward once the treaty was broken, but Sam (Chaske Spencer) reminds Jacob that he is still alpha wolf of the pack and decides when and if the treaty is broken. Sam is satisfied that the Cullens are not a threat to the tribe or the human populace.

Leah (Julia Jones) thinks Jacob needs to get over Bella, as he hasn't imprinted on her. The mention of imprinting brings back Jacob's cynicism; looking at other pack mates and those they've imprinted on, he is sickened at the thought of no longer belonging to himself while his genes tell him he's happy about it. But Leah feels differently; imprinting would at least rid a pack member of a very real heartache.

Bella gets an upset stomach while eating a weird meal (chicken, peanut butter, and yogurt) and has to throw up. Looking inside one of her bags, she spots her unopened box of tampons, and realizes her period is late. Going to the mirror, she is sure that her abdomen is bigger. Alice calls Edward at that moment, struck with concern because she suddenly became unable to see any more visions of Bella. Alice puts Carlisle (Peter Facinelli) on the phone and Bella tells him that she thinks she's pregnant -- suddenly wincing as if to prove her point; she's now sure she felt something move inside her. Carlisle tells Edward that he must bring Bella home immediately so Carlisle can examine her. But when Edward tells Bella that Carlisle will 'get that thing' out of her, Bella is struck with a protective streak, unable to imagine her unborn child being a 'thing.'

On the way out, Kaure confronts them and is horrified. From her people's legends, she suspects the truth about Edward. Edward pleads with Kaure to tell him if there's anything he can do for Bella. Bella allows Kaure to put a hand on her stomach, and Kaure only says in her native tongue, 'death.'

As Edward is seeing to the private plane's preparation for takeoff, Bella calls Rosalie, the one person she knows will be entirely on her side, for help in preventing the rest of the Cullens from terminating her pregnancy.

Jacob arrives home and finds Charlie's police cruiser there. Inside the house, Charlie tells Jacob that Bella called, and that her voice sounded off. Jacob is sure that Bella is very ill and goes to the Cullen home for an explanation. Bella hears Jacob's voice and calls to him, showing that she's there. Jacob goes upstairs to find Rosalie standing in front of Bella like a protective mother bear. Bella's unborn child has grown alarmingly fast and she already looks well into her pregnancy-- and the rest of her body is beginning to look more emaciated; her cheeks and face sunken and sallow. Carlisle says the embryonic sac is too strong to be punctured by a probe needle and an ultrasound cannot see inside it. Alice can't see any visions of the baby, or Bella, either. The Cullens are researching legends of rumored vampire-human offspring but have nothing concrete, and they are divided-- Rosalie fiercely protecting Bella's desire to have her baby despite several of the other Cullens unsure whether the offspring can even be called a baby at all. Edward takes Jacob aside and confides in him that he is worried about Bella's life, asking Jacob if he can try and talk Bella out of carrying her baby full term. Edward says that if Bella refuses to relent, and the baby kills her as most of the Cullens fear, he gives Jacob permission to kill him.

When Bella does not bend under Jacob's attempt at persuasion, he leaves the Cullen estate in a rage and races through the woods in wolf form. The rest of the pack converges with him at a lumber yard, all likewise in wolf form, and they all argue. All of the pack is furious at the news of Bella's pregnancy, convinced that the unborn offspring will be unable to control its thirst and will be a dangerous abomination that will endanger the pack and the town. Sam decrees that the unborn offspring must be destroyed before it is born, even if it means they must kill Bella, and fight through the whole Cullen clan to get at her. When Jacob rebels at the decree, Sam advances toward him, using his authority as alpha wolf to order Jacob to fight alongside them. All of the pack, who must obey Sam's direct orders, are forced to bow their heads in submission. But suddenly Jacob, struggling with all of his will, thrusts his lupine head back up and invokes his right as the grandson of Ephraim Black, last chief of the tribe, to refuse to follow Sam any further.

Jacob races back to the Cullen home and warns Edward to 'get ready.' Jacob finds that Seth has followed him-- he's left the pack and chosen to follow Jacob. Leah has likewise left in order to watch over her little brother. Jacob insists he doesn't want them to follow him, but he refuses to give them a direct order as alpha wolf to make them go back. Leah says Sam doesn't know she and Seth left the pack, but no sooner does she finish saying so when they hear the howls of the pack, telling them that Sam does know now.

Jacob tells the Cullens what he's learned from Leah: Sam knows he's lost the element of surprise, and with the pack down three members, he is now outnumbered. The Quileutes will therefore keep the home surrounded and wait for opportunities to pick off the Cullens when chance permits. However, the Cullens are all in need of hunting (their eyes have become black, showing their thirst).

Jacob is on watch near the river when Leah joins him. Jacob doesn't trust Leah near the Cullens because she hates them. Leah promises to do whatever Jacob wants, except go back to Sam, the ex-lover she lost and can never have back. Although she is a wolf, as a female she doesn't quite fit in with the pack, and she desperately longs to imprint on anyone just to heal her broken heart.

Jacob, Seth and Leah continue to guard the Cullen home. Esme comes out to bring them sandwiches. Meanwhile, Bella's unborn baby grows exceptionally fast, and her body continues to grow more emaciated; her cheeks more sunken; her skin and hair ashen. One of her ribs is broken, and Carlisle warns her that the baby is robbing her body of the nutrition it needs; starving her by the minute. He warns that the fetus is incompatible with her body and her heart will give out before she can deliver. Bella and Edward are pitted against each other; Bella is ready to die for her unborn baby and feels that Edward will have a son or daughter through which Bella's memory would live on. But Edward cannot accept the baby if Bella dies, and he didn't choose for her to leave him.

Bella's body becomes gaunt and frail; she is barely able to stand, and cannot walk unaided. Carlisle hooks her up to an IV drip. Jacob attempts to warm her up with his body heat. Bella suddenly leans forward due to nausea, but she is unable to throw up since she hasn't eaten in quite some time. Reading a thought Jacob has, Edward realizes that Jacob might have the right idea: the baby is thirsting for blood. Carlisle has some O negative human blood from the hospital's blood bank stored away. Bella drinks some and starts to feel better; her pulse immediately improving.

Edward is bringing Bella another cup of blood and interrupts Bella's conversation with Charlie. Bella tells Charlie that she is better but she's going to a medical center in Switzerland. This upsets Charlie very much as he hasn't seen Bella since the wedding. Bella hangs up and becomes upset. Edward apologizes to her as he didn't realize how difficult this was for Bella. He realizes he's left her alone through this. Suddenly, he hears a voice he doesn't recognize. He realizes it's coming from the baby. Putting a hand on Bella's stomach, he realizes he can hear the baby's thoughts. The baby's heart is pure and good, like Bella's, and it loves both of them. Edward now wants to see the baby safely born as well.

The baby is close to delivery, and Carlisle needs to be at his strongest. He and Esme must hunt. Emmett will go with them, but Sam still won't hesitate to go after them so that Bella will have fewer protectors. When Esme firmly tells Jacob that she and Carlisle are ready to lay down their lives for Bella, Jacob understands that the Cullens are a family as close-knit as his own. He knows what he must do.

Jacob goes out into the woods and calls for a truce to speak with the pack. Paul (Alex Meraz), Embry (Kiowa Gordon), Quil (Tyson Houseman) and Jared (Bronson Pelletier) confront him. Jacob tells them that he wants Sam to take Leah and Seth back, and that when the baby is born, Jacob will personally destroy it-- he alone has the trust of the Cullens and the opening to do so.

Carlisle, Esme, and Emmett rush out into the woods, pursued by Sam and another pack member. The two wolves take Esme down and are about to kill her when Emmett grabs her up and gets her to safety across a river gorge. Sam's howl alerts Paul that Jacob's truce was a ruse to split the pack up so that the Cullens could escape from them.

Back in the Cullen home, Rosalie gets Bella to tell Jacob and Edward the names she's picked for the baby. If the baby is male, Bella will name him EJ, for Edward Jacob. If the baby is a girl, she'll be named Renesmee; after both Renée and Esme.

As Rosalie hands Bella a cup of blood for her to drink, the cup drops and Bella instinctively tries to bend over to catch it. Her back suddenly breaks; she falls to her knees and one knee breaks. She's gone into labor. The placenta has detached and the baby will die unless taken out of her body immediately. Rosalie has to cut an incision in Bella's body for an emergency C-section before a morphine shot given as an anesthetic can take effect. But as she makes the incision, Rosalie is overwhelmed with blood-thirst and Jacob and Alice must pull her out of the room. Bella cannot be changed until the baby comes out, but it appears the baby will destroy Bella from the inside out before it happens. Desperate, Edward uses his teeth to finish the incision and extracts the baby. The baby is a girl. He shows her to Bella and calls her Renesmee.

Bella smiles at her baby daughter as Edward puts Renesmee gently on her chest. The weight of the baby crushes Bella's fragile chest and suddenly her face and eyes go vacant. Both Jacob and Edward think she's dead. Edward passes Renesmee to a recovered Rosalie and works feverishly with Jacob to try and revive Bella. He takes a syringe filled with his venom and injects it straight into Bella's heart. But all their efforts are seemingly unsuccessful. Jacob tells Edward that instead of killing him, Jacob will let him live with his guilt. He then goes outside, sits on the ground and begins to cry. Seth realizes Bella didn't make it. From the edge of the woods, Paul, in wolf form, is watching.

Edward continues to struggle to revive Bella, biting her several times to inject more venom, refusing to believe that she is truly dead. Back on the Quileute lands, Sam is telling Billy that even if Jacob is his son, he's betrayed the pack. Paul comes up and whispers something to Sam. Sam tells everyone that Bella is dead, and the baby killed her. He gives a curt order for the pack to follow; they're going to war.

At that moment Jacob has decided that he will take revenge of his own for the loss of Bella. He stalks back into the house to kill Renesmee. Rosalie, absorbed in cuddling and playing with the baby, does not notice as he creeps up behind her. But Rosalie happens to lift Renesmee up to where the baby can look over Rosalie's shoulder. Baby Renesmee's eyes meet Jacob's and he freezes. Jacob imprints on Renesmee, seeing her future as a beautiful and gentle girl. Her future becomes his; he is now bound to become anything she might need; a brother, a friend, a protector.

Sam and the pack arrive at the Cullen home. Rosalie is caring for Renesmee so only Edward, Alice and Jasper can defend the house, and now Sam has the numbers advantage, seven to three since Emmett, Carlisle, and Esme have not yet returned. Sam personally rushes to strike down Edward. Sam is ready to finish Edward when Carlisle, Esme and Emmett, revitalized, arrive back at the house to defend their family. Leah rushes out and saves Alice, and Seth follows behind her. The numbers are now just shy of even, but Sam and the pack are fighting to kill, while the Cullens, and Leah and Seth, are merely trying to ward the pack off.

The standoff is ended when Jacob comes out to tell Sam that if he kills Renesmee, he also kills Jacob. Jacob phases into wolf form, advancing and snarling, and all of the wolves back away -- even Sam. Reading Jacob's thoughts, Edward tells the pack and the Cullens that Jacob imprinted on Renesmee which means that the pack cannot harm her-- it's their most absolute law. The wolves back off and leave, respecting Jacob's new mate.

The Cullens clean and dress Bella's body, and Carlisle points out to Edward that Bella's heart is still beating, but she is immobile because of the morphine having took effect while she was in labor. All they can do is wait. Finally the venom kicks in; the bite marks disappear from Bella's flesh, her bones mend together, her cheeks and limbs fill out as her body regains its healthy appearance. Bella's heart stops beating and her skin turns pale. During the healing process, memories of Bella's childhood to adulthood are shown with the last memory being a happy Charlie and Renee holding a smiling Bella in front of a mirror. The camera pans in to show Bella's eyes as they suddenly open to reveal a crimson red color. Bella is now a newborn vampire.

Partway through the credits is a final scene where the Volturi receptionist, Bianca, is delivering a formal announcement to Aro. Aro reads the announcement, which informs them that Bella has been changed and is Edward's wife. Marcus and Caius believe that the dispute with the Cullens is now over, but Aro scoffs at this; the dispute goes far beyond a single human. The Cullens have something that Aro wants.
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Watch  We Bought a Zoo 2011 Full Movie Live Stream

Watch We Bought a Zoo 2011 Full Movie Live Stream

Stream We Bought a Zoo 2011 Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: We Bought a Zoo
  • Year: 2011
  • Duration: 2h 4m
  • Rating: 7.1
  • Genres: Drama, Comedy, Family
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Summary We Bought a Zoo 2011

Set in Southern California, a father moves his young family to the countryside to renovate and re-open a struggling zoo.

Benjamin has lost his wife. In a bid to start his life over, he purchases a large house that has a zoo. This is welcome news for his daughter, but his son is not happy about it. The zoo is in need of renovation and Benjamin sets about the work with the head keeper, Kelly, and the rest of the zoo staff. But, the zoo soon runs into financial trouble. The staff must get the zoo back to its former glory, pass a zoo inspection, and get it back open to the public.

Synopsis We Bought a Zoo 2011

Benjamin has lost his wife and decides to start a new life. He finds a house that has a zoo on the property. His young daughter is delighted about the idea and he goes ahead and purchases it. His son, Dylan, on the other hand, is not happy about it and retreats away to his artwork.

The zoo is in desperate need of renovation and so Benjamin sets about the work with the head keeper, Kelly, and the rest of the zoo staff. The staff become unhappy when they realize that the zoo is in financial trouble and that the zoo may need to be sold.

Dylan meets a new friend, Lilly. She has a crush on him, but he is oblivious. Dylan is delighted when he tells her that they may be moving due to the potential sale of the zoo. Lilly is upset by this.

Benjamin discovers that his late wife has left him some money, and that he must 'follow his heart' in spending it. He decides to put the money into saving the zoo. The zoo staff are delighted, but Dylan is angry at the prospect of staying. He argues with his father.

The next day they make-up and Dylan confesses that he misses Lily. His father advises him to reconcile with her. Dylan decides to tell Lily that he loves her.

The day of the zoo's grand opening arrives, but is threatened by a huge rainstorm. Luckily they escape this, but still no visitors arrive. It turns out a tree has blocked people from gaining access to the zoo, so they think it isn't open.

Kelly, the head keeper, confesses that she has feelings for Benjamin. They kiss and she suggests that they do the same again on New Year's Eve. He says he is looking forward to New Year.

Benjamin takes his children to where his first met their mother.
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Watch  Conan the Barbarian 2011 Full Movie Online Stream

Watch Conan the Barbarian 2011 Full Movie Online Stream

Stream Conan the Barbarian 2011 Online Free Movie Download

  • Title: Conan the Barbarian
  • Year: 2011
  • Duration: 1h 53m
  • Rating: 5.2
  • Genres: Adventure, Action, Fantasy
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Summary Conan the Barbarian 2011

A vengeful barbarian warrior sets off to get his revenge on the evil warlord who attacked his village and murdered his father when he was a boy.

Many years ago, sorcerers crafted the Mask of Acheron and dark forces of Acheron conquered the world. However, the barbarians vanquished Acheron warriors and broke the Mask into pieces and divided among the tribes. The barbarian Cimmerian village of chief Corin is attacked by the evil warlord Khalar Zym that wants the last piece of bone of the Mask of Acheron to resurrect his wife. When his witch daughter Marique finds the hidden piece, he slaughters the villagers and the Corin's son Conan is the only survivor. Conan swears revenge against Khalar Zym. Years later, the warrior Conan is a pirate and he decides to release slaves from a field. When he is celebrating in a tavern with his friends, he sees a thief being chased by a guard and Conan recognizes him as Lucius, the Khalar Zym's soldier that he cut the nose out. Conan let the guards capture him and once in the prison, he forces Lucius to tell him where Khalar Zym is. Meanwhile Khalar Zym attacks a monastery where Marique believes that a pure-blood descent of Acheron lives. But the monk sent the descent Tamara back to her homeland. She is chased by Khalar Zym's soldiers, but Conan saves her. Now Conan intends to use Tamara to reach the evil Khalar Zym. Will he succeed in his intent?

In the dark times of the Hyborian Age, the helpless Cimmerian boy, Conan, sees his entire village burn to the ground, and his fellow residents perish by the evil warlord, Khalar Zym, who seeks to piece together the last fragments of the magical Mask of Acheron. As the boy grows into a muscular man capable of defending himself, Zym's daughter, Marique, unearths the fabled artefact that can resurrect the dead and enslave the world. However, after a chance encounter with the pure-blooded warrior-monk, Tamara, Conan answers the call to arms and, bent on revenge, embarks on a peril-laden quest to thwart the dangerous megalomaniac's plans. Can Conan, the Barbarian, avert the impending age of darkness?

Synopsis Conan the Barbarian 2011

During the Hyborean Age, a group of sorcerers from Acheron created a mask from the skulls of dead kings and sacrificed their pure-blooded daughters to the dark gods in order to give the mask the power to subjugate the entire world. After killing countless people in their campaign to conquer the planet, the sorcerers were defeated by the Cimmerians led by Corin (Ron Perlman), who destroys the mask, scattering the pieces across the land, and keeping one for himself.

Years later, the Cimmerians are at war with a rival clan. Corin's pregnant wife is fatally injured in the battle, but is able to give birth to a son, Conan, before succumbing to her injuries. Conan's birth on a battlefield, and subsequent survival, is considered to be a powerful omen.

As an adolescent, Conan (Leo Howard) becomes a fierce, but unfocused, warrior. After a young Conan returns from a warrior's trial with the severed heads of members of a savage tribe, Corin takes the boy to his foundry and teaches him the Riddle of Steel. Conan insists that he is ready to wield his own sword, but Corin reminds him that once a blade has been forged, it must still be tempered with ice before it can be wielded. Corin finishes forging his sword and teaches his son to fight properly. The young Conan is an impatient student, often letting his anger interfere with his lessons. His father tells him he's not ready to have such a weapon.

Not long after, the village is attacked by armored warriors, sporting a symbol of a large, two headed serpent. The leader, Khalar Zym (Stephen Lang), confronts Corin, demanding his piece of the Mask. When Corin refuses, he is restrained and tortured. Conan, in an angry moment of defiance, attacks one of the warriors, Lucius (Steven O'Donnell), maiming him when he cuts off the man's nose. After recovering the final piece of the mask, Zym adds it to the other pieces he's collected. He has Conan and Corin chained to cauldron of molten metal hanging precariously above them, then sets fire to the foundry. Though his son tries in vain to rescue his father, Corin sacrifices himself to enable Conan to escape. Conan is left an orphan and bears wounds on his palms from his attempts to save his father. Conan wanders out and claims a large sword as his own -- his father's sword was taken by Zym's daughter, Marique.

Twenty years later, Conan (Jason Momoa) is a mercenary, working with a Zamoran pirate named Artus (Nonso Anozie). The two men raid a slave camp and take the survivors to the city of Messantia. The snake cult has grown in size over the last decade, and they have a small garrison in the city. Conan sees Lucius, now an out-of-shape warden, pursuing a pickpocket, Ela-Shan (Saïd Taghmaoui), and allows himself to be arrested in a bid to learn more about his enemy. Conan soon escapes prison and tortures Lucius for information about Zym and the snake cult. After Conan promises to spare him, Lucius reveals that Zym is seeking the pure blood descendant of the sorcerers of Acheron, as it will take their blood to unlock the Mask's true power. Satisfied that he has gotten all he can out of Lucius, Conan leaves him at the mercy of the liberated prisoners, reminding the frightened guard "I only promised I wouldn't kill you." Ela-Shan tells Conan that, if he ever needs him to return the favor, Conan will find him at Arlagon, the City of Thieves.

Meanwhile, Zym and Marique (Rose McGowan), attack a monastery where they believe the Pureblood is. Sensing something is wrong, the elder priest Fassir (Raad Rawi) instructs one of his students, Tamara Amalia Jorvi-Karashan (Rachel Nichols), to flee to her birthplace, then confronts Zym to buy time for her to escape. Zym recounts how his wife, Maliva, was murdered by Fassir's order. Fassir defends this decision, insisting that Maliva was an insane fanatic who was attempting to unleash occult forces to destroy Hyborea. Enraged by Fassir's defiance, Zym kills him by smashing his head against the marble steps. Marique tests the blood of the remaining students and realizes that the Pureblood is not among them.

Tamara's carriage comes under attack by snake cult warriors. Conan comes to her rescue, after a spirited chase, eventually captures their captain, Remo (Milton Welsh). After forcing Remo to reveal Tamara's importance, Conan kills him by catapulting him into Zym's camp with a message in his mouth for Zym to meet him at the Shaipur Outpost alone. Marique verifies that the cloth the message is written on belongs to Tamara.

Confident that Zym will not recognize him, Conan masquerades as a bounty hunter, offering to sell Tamara to Zym for a substantial sum of gold. Once he is satisfied that Zym and Marique have come alone, Conan reveals his true intentions, and challenges Zym to a sword fight. At her father's instructions, Marique engages Conan with soldiers made of sand before Zym battles Conan. Conan and Zym first seem to be nearly evenly matched, but Conan's rage gives him the upper hand. Marique ultimately swings the fight in her father's favor by poisoning Conan with a poison-laced boomerang dagger. Tamara rescues him and they return to Artus' boat, stationed nearby, where Artus helps Conan recover.The boat is attacked by the snake cult, who kill several of the crew, though are ultimately repulsed. Conan orders Artus to return to Messantia with Tamara and departs to confront Zym in his kingdom. Artus tells Tamara that Conan left a map behind and she follows him, meeting with him in a cave, where they make love. The next day, as she's returning to the boat to join Artus so they can sail away, she's captured by the snake cult.

Remembering Ela-Shan's earlier promise, Conan travels to Argalon and hires Shan to help him sneak into Zym's fortress. They discover that beneath the fortress is an old mine, and this is where Zym and Marique plan to sacrifice Tamara, Conan enters through an undersea cave, where the snake cult are preparing to feed prisoners to a giant multi-tentacled serpent, the Dweller. After killing the beast, Conan proceeds further down the mine. Conan attacks the snake cult before they can complete the sacrifice, but Zym has collected enough of Tamara's blood to restore the Mask to suboptimal strength. Zym dons the mask, claiming to be invincible, and proceeds to fight Conan again. Zym uses Corin's sword to fight Conan, but Conan is eventually able to wrest it from his opponent. The battle inadvertently triggers an earthquake, killing most of Zym's followers and rendering the mine unstable. Conan frees Tamara and tells her to run. However, she is followed by Marique. Conan hears Tamara's screams, and kills Marique by throwing her down a mine shaft where she's impaled on a post. As the mine continues to crumble, Conan and Tamara attempt to find an alternate way way out, with an enraged Zym in hot pursuit. Conan and Tamara eventually make their way to an unstable rope bridge, precariously above a massive canyon. As they cross the bridge, a support beam under Tamara gives way, causing her to nearly fall. As Conan attempts to save her before the bridge gives way, they are cornered by Zym, who uses the Mask's power to summon Maliva's spirit. In an act of defiance, Conan destroys the bridge supports with his sword, before jumping to safety with Tamara. The bridge collapses, and Zym falls to his death.

With the snake cult destroyed, Conan returns Tamara to her birthplace, telling her that they'll meet again. He then returns to his old village and tells his father that he has avenged his death and recovered the sword Zym stole from him, before departing in search of new adventures.
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 Killer Joe 2011 Full Movie Free Stream

Killer Joe 2011 Full Movie Free Stream

Stream Killer Joe 2011 Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: Killer Joe
  • Year: 2011
  • Duration: 1h 42m
  • Rating: 6.7
  • Genres: Drama, Crime, Thriller
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Summary Killer Joe 2011

When a debt puts a young man's life in danger, he turns to putting a hit out on his evil mother in order to collect the insurance.

Finding himself in considerable debt, Chris, a Texan drug dealer, decides the only solution is to murder his mother to collect the insurance money. Getting together with his father, the ex-husband of Chris' mother, they decide to hire Joe Cooper (a contract killer) who also happens to be a police detective. The plan is that the money will go to Chris' sister Dottie. However due to the size of the contract fee, Chris agrees that Joe can take Dottie as a retainer until the insurance comes through.

Chris Smith (played by Emile Hirsch) is in a bind. He owes a loan-shark a fair bit of money, and the man has threatened to kill him if he does not produce the money within a few days. He does not have the money. He strikes upon a get-rich-quick plan: have his estranged mother killed and collect on the insurance money. He involves his father, Ansel (Thomas Haden Church), who buys into the deal for a share of the profit (him and Chris' mother are divorced and don't see eye-to-eye, so it wasn't a tough sell). Ansel then involves his 2nd wife, Sharla (Gina Gershon) and, due to her finding out about the plan, his daughter, Chris' sister, Dottie (Juno Temple). They hire a professional killer (who happens to also be a cop), "Killer Joe" Cooper (Matthew McConaughey). When they cannot pay him upfront, they reach an unusual deal on how to retain his services. This complicates matters, a lot.

Synopsis Killer Joe 2011

The film opens with drug dealer Chris Smith arriving at a trailer on a late rainy night. He pounds on the door until Sharla, his step mom, answers. Chris is there to see his father Ansel. Sharla and Chris argue and there is a small physical confrontation. Then Ansel and Chris get into it. Dottie, Chris' young sister, listens to the commotion from her bedroom.

Sooner or later, Chris and Ansel leave the trailer and go to the strip club. Chris tells Ansel that he owes money to some people who will kill him if he doesn't pay. He talks about his mom, Adele, who has a fifty thousand dollar life insurance policy. Chris then tells Ansel about a police detective named Joe Cooper, who moonlights as a hitman. In the event of Adele's death, all the money would go to Dottie. Ansel needs some convincing, so the two get to talking about Adele and how badly she treats everyone around her, including her new boyfriend Rex. Ansel agrees.

Joe Cooper arrives at the trailer one morning to meet Chris. Instead, he meets Dottie and the two make small talk. Joe tells a story about a man who lit his genitals on fire to teach his girlfriend a lesson about cheating on him. Dottie tells a story about how her mom Adele tried to kill her once when she was a baby. The phone rings: it's Chris for Joe. Chris tells Joe to meet him at an abandoned building. Joe tells Chris not to change plans on him again.

Joe, with the assistance of Dottie, reaches the building where Chris and Ansel are. Inside this building, Joe instructs Chris and Ansel on his rules for if he was to kill Adele for them. Joe names his price: twenty-five thousand dollars in advance. Chris says he can't give Joe the money prior to the murder but he can give him a cut of the life insurance. Joe repeats: "No exceptions."

Joe is about to leave when notices Dottie outside happily spinning around in front of a church. Joe then tells Chris that they never discussed the possibility of a retainer. Then he leaves. Ansel doesn't understand and Chris has to spell it out for him: Joe wants Dottie until he can be paid.

The movie shifts to Sharla, who works at a run down pizza parlor. She is talking on the phone with an unknown man. She holds in her hand naked pictures of this man and jokes that his face can't be seen in them. Dottie appears behind her and asks for some money for dinner, Sharla pretends the person the phone was one of her old friends. She hangs up and goes to sit with Dottie. Sharla tells her that there will be a guest for dinner that night. Dottie knows its Joe. Ansel arrives and he tells Dottie he's gonna give her some money so she can buy something nice to wear. Then, he and Sharla talk privately. Sharla's mad at Ansel because he as yet to tell Dottie that she and Joe will be the only ones at the trailer.

That night, when Dottie finds out the situation, she acts very strange and locks herself in her room. Joe arrives and doesn't get angry. He tells her that she doesn't have to come out of her room if she doesn't want to. After Joe tells another story, Dottie comes out of her room and the two have dinner. Dottie says that she had a dress she was gonna wear, but she decided against it. Joe said he would've loved to see it. At a certain point in the evening, Joe asked Dottie to put on the dress in front of him. Soon after that, the two have sex. Chris, from outside, sees the lights in the trailer go out.

In another part of town, the same night, a yellow sports car is parked at a cheap motel. A man in a cowboy hat knocks on the door to one of the rooms. Sharla answers and lets the man in.

Shift to the daytime. Chris is betting on some horses for money. He loses. As he walks outside, two big men stand in front of him. He starts to run away but he doesn't get very far and the two big men, on motorcycles, run him down. A big truck pulls up and Digger Soames gets out. This is the man Chris owes money to. Digger tells Chris that he better pay him soon. Digger leaves and the two big men beat Chris to a pulp.

Chris has a conversation with Joe the next day. He doesn't want Joe around Dottie anymore. Joe says all Chris has to do is say the word and he will leave right now. Chris still wants his mom dead.

That night, at the police station, Killer Joe gets ready. He grabs his gun, his gloves, his hat and walks outside. Chris is waiting for him and tells him he has second thoughts about going through with the murder. Joe tells Chris to get in his car.

The two drive along ways to a closed restaurant. Joe goes to the trunk of his car and opens it. Chris looks inside... Adele's body is lying there. Joe has already killed her. Chris helps Joe dispose of the body in a way that makes it look like an accident.

Days pass. Ansel and Sharla go to collect the insurance money while Dottie and Chris wait in the restaurant. When Sharla returns to the restaurant, she and Ansel are extremely mad.

The family walks down the street. Ansel pushes Chris up against the wall and tells him that Dottie is not the beneficiary of the $50,000. Rex, Adele's boyfriend is the beneficiary. It is here where it is revealed that Rex is not only the one that told Chris about the life insurance, but is also the one who told Chris about Killer Joe. Chris, having nothing to pay either Digger or Killer Joe, decides to flee the country. He wants Dottie to go with him to Peru, but she says she wants to see Joe first.

The yellow sports car drives down the street. It is pulled over by Killer Joe's police car. The driver of the sports car gets out. Here, it is revealed that the man in the cowboy hat (from the motel) is Rex.

That night, Sharla and Ansel return to the trailer with some KFC. Joe is there and asks to have a chicken leg. Joe approaches Sharla and asks her about Rex. She says she doesn't really know him. Joe asks if she was gonna get a cut of the money. Ansel says he was gonna let her have a cut cause Sharla is his wife. Through some smart interrogation and trickery, Joe gets Sharla to reveal that life insurance was actually worth $100,000. Because Adele's death was ruled an accident, the life insurance doubles. Sharla was the only one who knew that out of the family. Joe then shows Ansel two things: a check made out to Rex for 100 grand, and the naked pictures of Rex that Sharla had on her person.

In the most talked about scene of the movie, Joe punches Sharla, breaking her nose. Then he takes the chicken leg from KFC and lowers it in front of his waist. He forces Sharla to suck on the leg like it is his member. As this happens Joe says that since he will not be paid in cash, the retainer, Dottie, belongs to him now. He says he knows Chris is going to come over to attempt to take Dottie with him. Killer Joe states that "If this family allows Chris to leave this trailer tonight, I'll slaughter all of you like pigs."

In the film's finale, Chris returns to the trailer. Dottie, Ansel, Sharla, and Joe all wait for him at the dinner table. Chris sits down and everyone eats together for a short while. Then, Joe stands and announces that Dottie has agreed to marry him. Chris is anything but happy. He tells Joe he can't let him have Dottie. Chris tells Dottie to go get her stuff. Joe tells Dottie to stay seated. Chris pulls out a gun and points it at Joe. Sharla grabs a knife from the table and stabs Chris in the shoulder. Joe tackles Chris and the gun slides in front of Dottie.

Joe holds Chris in front of the refrigerator and bashes his face in with a can of pumpkin filling. Ansel grabs Chris legs so he can't run away. Sharla bashes a beer bottle of Chris' head. Everyone has taken their eyes off of Dottie, who has finally snapped. She picks up the gun and shoots it all over hell. Joe, Ansel, and Sharla, all go motionless.

Dottie fires first at Chris, shooting him in the chest. He falls dead. Then Dottie shoots Ansel in the stomach, he screams in pain as he goes to his knees. Dottie then aims at Joe. Joe looks at her and asks her to put the gun down. She responds, "I'm gonna have a baby." She puts her finger on the trigger again.

The final shot of the film is Killer Joe smiling in excitement.
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Watch Streaming  The Skin I Live In 2011 Full Movie Streaming Online Free

Watch Streaming The Skin I Live In 2011 Full Movie Streaming Online Free

Watch The Skin I Live In 2011 Online Free Movie Streaming

  • Title: The Skin I Live In
  • Year: 2011
  • Duration: unknown
  • Rating: 7.6
  • Genres: Drama, Thriller, Horror
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Summary The Skin I Live In 2011

A brilliant plastic surgeon, haunted by past tragedies, creates a type of synthetic skin that withstands any kind of damage. His guinea pig: a mysterious and volatile woman who holds the key to his obsession.

In honor of his late wife who died in a flaming car accident, scientist, Dr. Robert Ledgard, is trying to synthesize the perfect skin which can withstand burns, cuts or any other kind of damage. As he gets closer to perfecting this skin on his flawless patient, the scientific community starts growing skeptical and his past is revealed that shows how his patient is closely linked to tragic events he would like to forget.

Synopsis The Skin I Live In 2011

The camera pans along the town of Toledo in Spain, and across the gated entrance to the clinic/estate known as El Cigarral. In one room, a young dark haired woman, Vera Cruz (Elena Anaya), does yoga stretched over a sofa. Vera wears only a flesh colored bodystocking that covers her whole body completely, except for her head. It covers her hands and fingers, and her feet and toes. She's then seen meditating while she sits in a lotus position on the floor. She works with ceramic sculptures, applying strips of a material that seems to match that of her bodystocking, to one of them.

El Cigarral's chief maid, Marilia (Marisa Paredes), asks an assistant maid to help her with a dumbwaiter. Marilia carries a tray with food and drink, a book, and some cloth. With the assistant's help, Marilia opens the dumbwaiter and puts everything she's carrying inside it, before sending it up to Vera's room. Retrieving the items, Vera uses an intercom in her room to request some sackcloth and double-sided tape. Marilia tells her that she won't be able to get these for Vera until tomorrow. Vera then requests some thread, and a needle and pair of scissors, but Marilia's response shows she's not supposed to provide these for Vera at all. Vera then goes to her closet, where a number of garments hang; all are badly torn. She takes out a green print dress and puts it on over her bodystocking, and tears a strip off of it.

The scene switches to a lecture hall where a surgeon named Robert Ledgard (Antonio Banderas) is giving a lecture on rebuilding facial muscles and features in burn victims. He's personally participated in several face-transplant surgeries, and rebuilding scarred and burned faces seems to be his primary passion.

That evening, Ledgard drives into the garage for a maternity hospital. A man walks up to his car and hands him a large case, for which Ledgard pays him. Ledgard is then seen driving up to El Cigarral; he is the owner of the estate, and lives there as well as running its clinic. Taking the bag he was given at the hospital, which we see contains a pouch of blood, Ledgard brings it to his lab and examines a sample, before putting the rest of the pouch in a container of dry ice.

Ledgard goes into his room and turns on a large-screen television, which is hooked up to a camera in Vera's room. Vera lays in her bed, seemingly asleep, though she's not covered with her blanket. He takes a tin containing opium and a bong and goes to her room, which is adjacent to his. Ledgard unlocks the door for her room, showing she's confined inside it. There he sees that Vera has cut her wrists and breasts in a suicide attempt. Quickly he brings her to an operating room in the estate and patches her up. As he tends to the cuts above Vera's breasts, the ungrateful woman tells him that she'll only try again unless he finishes her off himself. Ledgard doesn't take her seriously, saying she'd have cut her throat if she was serious about killing herself. He does seem preoccupied with Vera's skin; with the bodystocking removed, he notes that her skin is softer than he thought it would be.

The next morning, Marilia brings Ledgard some animal blood, drained from it while it was still alive. Ledgard brings it to his lab. We see that Ledgard is conducting research in the development of a synthetic compound that looks, and even feels remarkably like human skin. On a gurney in the lab is a mannequin of a female body. Ledgard brings a sample of the skin compound over to the gurney and carefully applies some of the compound onto the mannequin. Using this as a guide, we then see he's applied some of the compound onto Vera's body. The synthetic skin apparently is tougher than real skin and can resist burns. He carefully runs a device that emits a short discharge of low-temperature flame over her leg, and she feels no pain until he passes it over another part of her leg. He also holds a jar with the opening against her skin; the jar contains a mosquito. The mosquito does not land on Vera at any time; it doesn't try to bite her.

Ledgard is giving a presentation at a biomedicinal symposium, discussing this synthetic skin compound, which he has named GAL, after his late wife, who burned to death in a car crash. This synthetic skin not only resists burns, but masks human odors from biting insects such as mosquitoes, so that they won't bite; this can prevent the diseases they carry, including malaria. Ledgard tells the symposium members that he's conducted experiments with this compound on athymic (hairless) mice, and the results have surpassed his expectations, leading him to believe that it's ready for human testing.

During a break, the symposium chairman asks Ledgard about his research. He's suspicious, because Ledgard has stated that the synthetic skin compound is stronger and tougher than real human skin, and this can only be accomplished by mutating it. Ledgard admits that he's done transgenesis on the compound; transferring genetic information from pig skin cells into human cells. He justifies this by pointing out similar experiments that are done on meat, fruits, vegetables, and clothing material every day; despite the moral implications, he believes that paradoxically, it's the next step in improving human life, as it could cure many diseases and stop many known genetic deformities. Nonetheless, this is a line that the chairman refuses to cross... or let Ledgard cross. He warns Ledgard that unless he discontinues this research, he'll report him to the medical community. Ledgard tells the chairman not to worry; GAL was a personal venture he did in memory of his late wife, nothing more.

Arriving home, Ledgard goes to his room and looks in on Vera, who lays on her bed, reading. As he watches her, zooming in the camera, her eyes suddenly drift toward it, as if she knew he was watching her at just that moment.

Ledgard brings the opium tin to Vera. As he fills the bong, she asks if there's any further improvements he wishes to make. Ledgard says there's no further work required. He's done all he can, with and for, Vera, and she can now boast of having the best skin in the world. But when Vera asks what will become of her now, he gets evasive and defensive. When he gets up to leave, Vera hurries to the door and blocks him, and starts coming on to him. She knows that Ledgard likes her, and although the camera in her room is hidden, she knows about it, and knows where it is. Because of the time he spends watching her, she's starting to feel that they practically live together. Ledgard gets very flustered, hurrying out of the room. When he gets back to his room, he sees, on his monitor, Vera giving an amorous look straight into the camera-- at him.

The next day, as Ledgard eats breakfast, a television news program talks about a carnival underway. Marilia tells him that he made a mistake using Gal's face as a model, and she'd have warned him about it if she knew beforehand. Now, Vera looks too much like her, which puts Ledgard in a quandary; Marilia believes that Ledgard has to either kill Vera or keep her captive on the estate indefinitely... and if he doesn't kill her, she'll attempt suicide again. Moreover, Marilia is as certain as Vera is, that Ledgard is falling for Vera. Ledgard tells Marilia to dismiss all the assistants and servants from employ.

As three of these servants are seen leaving the estate, a man in carnival getup approaches and rings the intercom at the front gate. He tells Marilia he's here to see his mother, who he hasn't seen in ten years. He knows that she wasn't among the servants that just left. Marilia orders the man to leave, but in response he he turns around and moons the camera... showing a birth mark on his posterior that Marilia recognizes. The man is her own son, Zeca (Roberto Alamo). She lets him onto the estate, although she says he can only stay a few minutes.

But it quickly becomes clear that Zeca is looking for more than just a few minutes to catch up with his mother. Zeca is also acquainted with Ledgard, having seen a presentation he gave in Madrid, and tracked him back to El Cigarral. Worse, he's taken part in a jewelry store robbery where he killed one of the employees, and is seeking shelter from the police on the estate. He also wants Ledgard to perform plastic surgery on his face, now that it's plastered all over every wanted poster in Spain. Marilia tells Zeca that Ledgard would kill him as soon as look at him. She wants Zeca sent on his way, but he continues acting as if he has the full run of the estate.

As Zeca grabs a bottle of wine, he sees one of the kitchen monitors for Vera's room, and sees Vera doing yoga. As he watches, Vera looks up, and peers into the camera, sensing she's being watched. Zeca mistakes Vera for Gal, who he's shown to have known before her death. Marilia pulls a gun on Zeca and orders him to leave the estate. But she can't pull the trigger, and Zeca grabs the gun away.

Zeca ties Marilia to a chair and jams a rag into her mouth. As he searches the mansion for Vera's room, she can hear the noise he makes, and it makes her increasingly nervous. Zeca finds the door to Vera's room locked, and comes back downstairs, making Marilia tell him where the key is. He takes the key and goes back to Vera's room. As he opens the door, Vera kicks it back in his face and tries to run, but he grabs her ankle and drags her back to him. As he wrestles her down, she wants to know who he is, and it's shown at this point that Zeca is responsible for Gal's death; he caused the fiery car crash that killed her. Still thinking that Vera is Gal, he wants to rape her. He starts tearing open her bodystocking and roughly feeling her up. When Zeca says he wants to make Ledgard do the plastic surgery on his face, Vera sees this as an opportunity of escape. She offers to volunteer as a kidnap victim that Zeca can use as leverage against Ledgard, and she'll submit to sex with Zeca if he lets her go afterward. As Zeca takes Vera, on her bed, he doesn't understand why she's acting like she's in pain-- Gal never did, and Zeca still doesn't know that Vera isn't Gal.

Ledgard arrives home, much earlier than Marilia, and therefore Zeca, expected. Ledgard sees Marilia tied up and then looks at Zeca having sex with Vera, through the monitor. Ledgard takes Marilia's gun and goes upstairs. Vera sees Ledgard over Zeca's shoulder and stares vacantly; both Vera and Marilia hoping that Ledgard will kill Vera as well as Zeca. But at the last second, Ledgard re-aims the gun, and kills Zeca without harming Vera.

Ledgard brings the opium tin to Vera so she can calm down. As she smokes the bong, Marilia cleans up. She confides something in Vera, something that neither Ledgard nor Zeca ever knew: they're half-brothers. Marilia is Ledgard's mother as well as Zeca's. Ledgard's father was the owner of the estate beforehand, and he fathered Robert during an affair with Marilia, because Mrs. Ledgard was sterile; but after Robert was born, the Ledgards passed him off as the son of both Mr. and Mrs. Ledgard, although Marilia was the one who raised him. One of the household servants latered fathered Zeca through Marilia. Marilia blames herself for both Ledgard and Zeca being insane, saying she carries a gene for it, and both her children became afflicted.

Zeca grew up on the streets, ran drugs as a child, and Marilia didn't see him until twelve years ago, when he showed up looking for shelter. Marilia hid him in a shed, but Gal found him and developed a crush on him. Gal agreed to run away with Zeca, but their car crashed and began burning.

Here, it's revealed that Gal didn't die in the crash itself, even though Zeca ran from the burning wreck and left Gal there to die. Ledgard found his wife, horribly burned and scarred. He saved her life and cared for her day and night on the estate. It was during this time that he began doing the research that led to the synthetic skin compound. Ledgard removed all mirrors from the house and made sure Gal slept during the day and was only awake at night. Miraculously, Gal began to improve and recover, and one day she could walk without help. But this led to tragedy, as one morning Gal was awakened by the sound of her and Ledgard's daughter, Norma, singing a song that Gal taught her. Gal got up and crossed to the window... and saw her reflection in it after pushing aside the curtains and opening the blinds. Unable to bear the sight of her reflection, Gal hurled herself through the window to her death, right in front of Norma. So traumatized by the experience was the young girl, that she eventually committed suicide as well, in the same manner.

Ledgard arrives home, and Vera gives him a look of deep compassion. They're making love in Ledgard's bed when Vera finds her vagina is too sore to finish. Ledgard agrees to wait until tomorrow night, and they fall asleep in each other's arms.

As they sleep, the scene shifts to show Ledgard's dreams: a wedding that took place six years prior. Ledgard helped hook up a friend of his, Casilda Efraiz (Teresa Manresa) with her husband, and he's now attending her wedding. Also attending is Norma, grown to young adulthood (Blanca Suárez). Norma is out of a psychiatric hospital and doing well on therapy and medication, socializing with Casilda's nieces. As she and her new friends sip beverages, they smile at some handsome young men nearby.

As everyone dances to a band and singer, Ledgard happens to notice a few of Casilda's nieces chatting with young men. Norma isn't among them. He goes looking for her, and among the trees outside, he hears the moaning of several young women having sex with other young male guests. Carefully looking from the cover of trees, he still doesn't see Norma. As he continues looking, he sees one young man riding out of the estate on a motorcycle. Retracing the path that the motorcycle came from, he finds Norma's shoes and sweater discarded on the ground. Not far from there, he finds Norma laying on the ground under a tree, unconscious. He hurries to her side, but as she awakens, she only screams hysterically at the sight of her father.

We see Ledgard back in the present, shifting in bed and awakening from the bad memory of his dreams. He glances over one shoulder to see Vera sound asleep beside him. As he turns over and puts an arm around Vera, we see a close-up of her face and then her own dreams.

A young man, Vicente (Jan Cornet), who Norma had smiled at during the wedding, is working in a dress shop owned by his mother. He picks up one dress and offers it to his mother's assistant, Cristina (Bárbara Lennie) as a gift. Vicente has a crush on Cristina, but she doesn't return his affections because she's a lesbian and dating another woman. She tells Vicente, if he likes the dress so much, he should wear it himself.

Vicente's mother tells him to leave Cristina alone, and he says he needs to get going, anyway; his friend Jorge is bringing him to Casilda's wedding. Although Vicente wasn't invited himself, Jorge knows one of Casilda's nieces and told Vicente he could get him in. Vicente needs to get changed and they'll just be attending the after-wedding dance party. As a man comes into the shop to sell off his wife's clothes (she runs off every so often, leaving he and their son), Vicente gets on his motorcycle and rides off.

Ledgard and Vera are shown again, still asleep, as Vera's dreams continue.

At the wedding, Vicente attracts the notice of Norma. She smiles at him, and he smiles back. Several of Casilda's nieces walk out into the gardens with Jorge and some of his friends. Vicente and Norma also accompany them, but quickly lag behind. The young men and women are drinking, smoking pot, and it's easy to see what's on all their minds.

Vicente and Norma both seem a little shy with one another, but hold hands as they walk off into the trees on their own. Vicente asks Norma if she's taken any 'high' pills, like he, his friends, and a number of Casilda's nieces have all been doing. Norma, misunderstanding, recites a list of psychotropic medications she's on.

As they continue walking through the gardens, Norma trips on one of her high heels, and getting exasperated with them, she kicks them off, and then pulls off her sweater. She chuckles unsteadily; Vicente thinking she's high like all the others, as he doesn't know about the psychosis she's suffered and is still recovering from. When Norma innocently mentions that clothes make her claustrophobic and she would be naked if it were her choice, Vicente, again misunderstanding, offers to help her undress. He starts kissing and fondling her as he starts sliding down the shoulder straps for her dress; laying her down gently against a tree.

But as he pulls his pants down and enters her, Norma starts to panic. Starting to become aware of what Vicente is doing, she rebels and starts pushing him away. Vicente covers her mouth with his hand so the main wedding reception doesn't overhear her cries. Norma catches part of his hand in her teeth and bites down on it hard. Suddenly furious, Vicente smacks her face, knocking her unconscious. Vicente gets scared and carefully straightens Norma's clothing out, putting her slip and the straps of her dress back up over her shoulders, covering her breasts, and sliding her panties back up and pulling the hem of her dress down again. He then hurries out of the estate, not noticing that Ledgard has observed him leaving and has noted the license plate number for his motorcycle.

A week later, Vicente has stopped taking the uppers and is sober again. Although his mother and Cristina know he finds the town boring, Cristina is surprised when Vicente suddenly announces he wants to travel for a while. For now, though, he just wants to get some air and ride around a bit, and he'll be home for supper that evening. He never makes it: a van starts following him, and off the bend of a lonely stretch of road, the van forces Vicente off the road, and the masked driver shoots him with a tranquilizer dart. He loads Vicente and his motorcycle into the van and drives off.

Vicente awakens, chained to a wall in a stone shed. His kidnapper has left him a large pail of drinking water, and he drinks thirstily.

Vicente's mother sees a police captain, who tells her that Vicente's motorcycle was found at the bottom of the Finistere Cliffs, completely destroyed; his body presumed swept out to sea. His officers questioned all of his friends and Cristina as well, and all of them mentioned that Vicente was tired of the town and wanted to leave. If he WAS alive, he would be very far away. Vicente's mother refuses to accept this, insisting that Vicente would have notified her if he wasn't coming home for supper like he said he would, and that he must have been kidnapped.

Ledgard goes to see Norma, who has again been hospitalized at a neuropsychiatric institute. The assault has sent her into complete retrogress back into her psychosis. She's terrified at the sight of any male, including Ledgard himself. Any male who is near her makes her see Vicente again, and she becomes hysterical. Even though Ledgard is careful not to touch her, Norma only whimpers and cries as she crawls into a closet. The nurses cannot put any fitted clothing other than a standard hospital gown onto her, because she tears them off.

Vicente remains locked in the shed, awakening one morning to find the water pail has been refilled while he slept. But he's half-starved and going crazy from the solitary confinement.

Vicente's kidnapper finally comes into the shed: it's Ledgard. He washes Vicente down with a garden hose and throws him a towel. He unhooks the chains from the ring they're fastened to, onto another ring that's closer to the table so that Vicente can sit. The next day, Ledgard brings him food and a warm robe. He still hasn't told Vicente why he's holding him prisoner.

Norma has committed suicide, jumping out the hospital window. At her funeral, Ledgard blames the hospital and the chief psychiatrist. Despite his sorrow, he wants to work. He can't sleep and needs to occupy his mind.

Ledgard shaves Vicente's face as the young man tries to appeal to him as the father of a young girl. Some of Norma's childhood toys are in the shed, so Vicente speaks about how his own mother must be sick with worry. Ledgard says only that he buried his daughter earlier that day, before saying he's putting some aftershave on Vicente's face. This is a lie; the aftershave is really chloroform which Ledgard uses to knock Vicente out.

Ledgard brings Vicente into the operating room on El Cigarral, strips him naked and fastens him securely to the operating table. A number of members of Ledgard's medical team arrive. They all done masks, gloves and scrubs, preparing to help him operate. When Vicente awakens, the team has departed, and Ledgard tells Vicente the cruel truth about the operation: a vaginoplasty. Ledgard removed Vicente's penis and has given him a woman's vagina.

Ledgard confines Vicente in a private room in the clinic and brings something to him. He tells Vicente that the labia of his new genitalia are still tender and could start to stick together. Ledgard has brought him a number of dildos of varying width. Starting with the narrowest, he needs to place them into the vagina until the largest dildo can fit without pain or discomfort, at which point the tissues will be healed.

Ledgard is examining Vicente after he's been using the largest dildo for four weeks, and he tells Vicente that the vagina looks healed. Vicente thinks maybe now Ledgard will let him go home... but Ledgard says he hasn't finished work; he's only just begun.

Ledgard won't say what more remains to be done, but he finally explains the reason behind it; why he's done all this, including kidnapping Vicente in the first place. Revenge. Ledgard knows that Vicente raped Norma, resulting in her psychotic regression and recent suicide... and he's exacting a terrible revenge.

As time passes, Vicente's physical transformation is complete. He has real breasts, and his skin has been enhanced with Ledgard's synthetic "GAL" skin compound, a little at a time. His face is covered with a plastic cast-mask, and his hair hasn't grown back in. Ledgard brings him a bodystocking to protect his new skin and help his body fully adjust to its new feminine shape.

He finishes putting the bodystocking on, asking Ledgard to help zip up the back. But as he does so, Vicente viciously elbows him in the groin, knocks him down and takes his keys, trying to escape. But Ledgard quickly uses a wireless remote to activate the estate's master security switch, locking all the doors and windows.

Vicente finds a knife and threatens Ledgard with it, but Ledgard has recovered his pistol. As he advances, Vicente slits his own throat in a suicide attempt. However, Ledgard quickly patches him up and he survives.

Several more weeks pass. Ledgard removes the mask, revealing Gal/Vera's face underneath it. Ledgard finishes wiping the last traces of Vicente away from his prisoner, renaming him Vera. It's seen now that Vera was more than just a test subject for the synthetic skin compound Ledgard had developed-- and medical science and healing was never his intent as far as using it on Vicente, went. As punishment for the rape and eventual death of Norma, Vicente has now ceased to exist and is to be renamed Vera.

Ledgard has placed a number of dresses in Vicente room so he can clothe him, but Vicente rebels, angrily tearing them all to shreds and using the vacuum tube in his room to clean them all out. Ledgard sends some make-up kits and books on applying make-up to his room via the dumbwaiter. Vicente only takes a few mascara brushes and writing markers, sending the rest back up, saying through the intercom that he doesn't want them.

Ledgard provides Vicente with a large TV set, and while channel-surfing, he finds a program about yoga. Listening to the instructor's lecture on how practice of yoga can provide an inner place of refuge, peace, and freedom, Vicente requests some books on yoga and begins practicing it. Later, he watches a program on ceramics and gets started on that as well.

Ledgard has brought Marilia back to El Cigarral to help him look after the estate and Vera. Ledgard tells Marilia little about Vera, other than "she" has been a patient at the estate's clinic. From the small talk, we see that Marilia has been away from the estate for just over four years.

In his room, Vicente writes the dates 9/10/2006 and 9/11/2006 along the top of one wall, near the left corner.

Ledgard and Marilia observe Vicente writing feverishly on the wall. Marilia says that Vicente learned of Marilia's presence, contacted her through the intercom, and asked Marilia her name... and what the date was. When Marilia told him the date, Vicente started covering the walls of his room with writings. The top of one wall is a collection of consecutive calendar dates. At one point we see a span lasting from July 2008 to April of 2010.

Ledgard doesn't tell Marilia much about Vera, but Marilia is no fool. She recognizes Vera's face as Gal's.

The walls of Vicente/Vera's room become covered with various writings, like a diary or journal. He writes a number of yoga mantras over and over, along with more calendar dates, including a stretch from March to December of 2011. We also see the sentence, 'opium helps me forget.' When she's reached the bottom of one wall, we see her writing the date February 10, 2012.

We return to the present; the morning after Ledgard and Vera slept together. Vera has earned the privilege of coming downstairs to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for herself and Ledgard, although Marilia is wary of this, not trusting Vera. As Ledgard and Vera eat, they talk about a promise they made to each other the previous night. Vera was no longer a prisoner on the estate, but a tenant. In return for her freedom, she's promised never to leave Ledgard. He's started to win over her affections.

Ledgard has arranged for Marilia to take Vera shopping in town. Marilia doesn't like it, and packs her gun in her purse. Vera comes downstairs, nicely dressed, including black stockings and high heel shoes. Ledgard tells her she can buy whatever she likes; Marilia has his credit cards.

Ledgard's colleague and co-worker, Fulgencio (Eduard Fernández), comes by, wanting to talk about the clinic, even though, as Ledgard has said, he has stopped using El Cigarral as a clinic after the warning from the biotechnology institute's president. Fulgencio says his team is willing to rent some of the rooms, as patients love the isolated setting, but Ledgard refuses curtly, sending Fulgencio away.

But instead of leaving, Fulgencio follows Ledgard to his study. We see Ledgard's pistol in his desk drawer as he lights up a smoke, before Fulgencio walks in. Fulgencio says he wants to show Ledgard the day's newspaper. On the front page is an article about two hundred young men and women that have gone missing over the last ten years. One of the photos is of Vicente, who Fulgencio recognizes as the patient he helped perform the vaginoplasty on. The newspaper article shows that Vicente was last seen by his family on September 10, 2006... and that now, six years later, his mother is still desperately trying to find him.

Fulgencio and the rest of the medical team had always assumed that Vicente had chosen to undergo genital surgery, even though he was surprised that Vicente hadn't chosen to undergo hormone therapy. But now, in light of the newspaper article, and because he knows the documents supplied by Ledgard were false, Fulgencio has figured out that Ledgard kidnapped Vicente and used him as a test subject for Ledgard's synthetic skin compound... using trangenic techniques on a someone Ledgard had kidnapped. Transgenesis being strictly prohibited to begin with on ethical grounds, Fulgencio knows what kind of trouble Ledgard could be facing.

Ledgard knows that Fulgencio intends to blackmail him, for Fulgencio's personal gain and benefit. He pulls his gun and orders Fulgencio off the property, as a subtle warning to watch what he says to who.

As Fulgencio starts to back out, Vera comes into the study, having returned from her shopping trip. She's overheard part of the conversation, and tells Fulgencio that she has come to the clinic of her own free will, and that her name isn't Vicente, but Vera Cruz; she was always a woman. She sits casually on Ledgard's lap as Fulgencio leaves. Vera happens to glance down and sees the photo in the newspaper, and getting very nervous, she asks Ledgard for a cigarette.

That evening, Ledgard and Vera are making love in his room. But Vera finds her vaginal area is still a little sore after Zeca tried to rape her. She's picked up some lubricant cream, but she can't find it among her shopping bags. She realizes it's still in her purse, which she left in Ledgard's study. Ledgard tells her that she can go down to the study to retrieve it.

As Vera retrieves her purse, she takes Ledgard's gun out of his desk and puts it in the purse. She stares sadly at the photo of Vicente in the newspaper, and kisses it before hurrying back upstairs.

Upstairs, Vera first tosses the tube of cream to Ledgard, who begins opening it with anticipation; only to find Vera holding the gun on him, telling him she's going to kill him, and her promise to him was a lie. She fires once, hitting him in the left side of his chest.

Marilia is awakened by the sound of the shot. Knowing there's big trouble, she grabs her gun and hurries up to Ledgard's room, crying out in shock and dismay as she sees him-- her son-- lying dead on his bed. Spewing words of venom at Vera, Marilia sweeps the room with her gun. Of course, Vera's hiding place is the one place that Marilia doesn't look or anticipate: under the bed. Vera's hand and arm slide out from under the bed and she kills Marilia.

Finally free from captivity and the need to play along with Ledgard's twisted whims, Vicente walks out of El Cigarral. The next day, a taxicab drops him back off at his mother's dress shop. Mrs. Piñeiro sends Cristina out to tend to him.

Cristina is surprised when Vicente knows her name. Vicente lowers his voice to a whisper as he reveals that he is Vicente; he's been given a sex change, only escaped from his kidnappers after killing two people, and now he's come to Cristina for help. Cristina stares, not knowing what to make of the story, until Vera pulls off his jacket; he's wearing the dress he wanted to give Cristina on the day of Casilda's wedding; the one Cristina told Vicente that he should wear himself if he liked it so much.

This is something that only Vicente would know, and Cristina and Vicente both begin to cry. Mrs. Piñeiro comes out to see what's wrong, and the movie ends with Vicente softly telling his mother, "Soy Vicente" (I'm Vicente).
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